Sunday, March 10, 2024

How To Introduce Your (Willing) Partner to Omorashi


Once you've established that your partner is not totally opposed to your wetting fetish, how should you start actually wading into the golden waters with them in a way they'll feel, at worst neutral about and, at best, extremely turned on by?  

Establishing Consent

I can't stress enough the importance of enthusiastic consent.  I addressed this aspect in greater detail in an earlier article here but it bears repeating.  Clear communication is absolutely vital before, during & after engaging in something like this.  Sometimes partners in long-term relationships do things sexually they're not 100% excited about to please their partner hoping that they will return the favor in the future, which is not necessarily a bad thing so long as you actually DO return the favor (& they're not actually repulsed or traumatized by the act).  That may be the case here, or it may be that your partner is actually curious about desperation/wetting to an extent.  Whatever the situation, just make sure they're not doing it out of a sense of obligation or fear of losing/upsetting you.  It should MATTER to you that your partner is enjoying themselves (or at least not feeling sickened/scared/other negative things) during sexual interaction--being indifferent to their feelings is the mindset of a rapist & will eventually destroy the relationship.

The Planning Stage

Once consent is established, now you're ready for the planning stage:  the what/where/when/how of it all.  Take a gentle approach and let them lead the way.  Ask what setting they'd be most comfortable with:  would they like to try it in the shower where they can easily wash off afterward, or perhaps on the toilet where it feels most "natural"?  If your partner is female, send them info highlighting how a full bladder presses on the g-spot & can enhance sex or masturbation.  Ask if they'd like to see some of the videos you watch so they can be a part of your "world," and then be very mindful of the ones you show them.  (Avoid anything too graphic or that might trigger body insecurities, feelings of disgust, etc).  If your partner's not big on porn, maybe skip this part & opt to share personal stories, fantasies or a live demo if they're up for it.

The main thing is to approach this through THEIR eyes, not yours.  You think omo is extremely hot; they are highly skittish & suspect of it.  Things they might be feeling (in addition to curiosity) include:  insecurity about their ability to please you, embarrassment, uncertainty, vulnerability, anxiety & confusion.  Carefully curate the articles, pics & vids you show them, if any.  You don't want to look like an addict who's been living a secret life.  Be open to answering any questions they have, such as how you got into this fetish, what specifically you like about it & how often you indulge in it.  And be prepared to reassure them that your current sex life is enough and that THEY are enough if insecurities arise.  This isn't about infidelity or looking outside the relationship for something that's lacking; it's about enhancing it by including them in something you enjoy solo & sharing a private, vulnerable part of yourself w/ them.  

The Fun Part 

If and when you actually engage in omo-related activities with your sweetie, be 100% encouraging & positive.  Now is not the time for jokes or criticism, constructive or otherwise.  He/she will likely feel VERY vulnerable & exposed having put themselves out there in this way, as wetting requires letting go of control & doing something we're conditioned from a young age not to do.  Show your gratitude verbally & physically and make them feel like the sexiest person in the world no matter how they "perform".  Don't leave them hanging:  piss yourself too & show that what's good for the goose is good for the gander!  (Yes, even if peeing yourself is not part of your fetish.  It's not their fetish either but they're doing it so it's only fair).  Hold/cuddle them or give them space afterward--whatever they need to feel like what they've just done is a loving, rewarding act.  And take care of any cleanup that's required so they don't have extra work or dirty clothes/bedding to handle.  

Most importantly, don't pressure them to do it again in the future.  Let them suggest it....or not.  I know this is hard but it's vital to avoid coming off as a selfish pushy creep or worse.  Now they have the information:  they know this is THEE THING that turns you more than anything; they've tried it and have a sense of what it's about.  If they want to do it again, they will initiate it.  Nothing kills desire faster than pressuring someone to do something they don't truly want to do.  And this should go without saying but don't EVER record them without consent or disclose your private adventures to others without their express consent. That's a one-way ticket to "Never A-Fucking-Gain Town."

That said, it wouldn't be wrong to let them catch you with a wet patch once in a blue moon or "forgetting" to close an omo discussion screen if you know that wouldn't trigger big problems.  It's not a secret now--they know you enjoy wetting so you shouldn't have to sneak around all the time in your own home as long as you don't go overboard, leave a mess or do it with the intention of coaxing them into participating.  Relationships are all about balance, moderation & compromise.  Just be grateful you have a partner who's willing to go out on a limb & try something that's so dear to you (and so foreign to them).  💛🩷

Have you told a partner about your wetting fetish?  How did it go, and do you have any advice for others who are aching to tell their current s/o but don't know where to start?  

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