Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wet Denim Appreciation Post

While I'm not big on the feeling of jeans generally or peeing in them specifically, I love the way they look on others after enduring a good piss-soaking.  In fact I consider some of them to be works of art.  Any color, size or cut... doesn't matter.  It's fun to see the patterns that pop up as wetters let 'er rip into the denim, some with smooth & wispy lines like a Van Gogh; others wildly vandalized like subway graffiti. The consensus among omo fans seems to be that wet denim holds a special place in their heart...there's just somethin' about a good pair of pissy jeans or jean-shorts.

Without further ado, here are some of the interesting and beautiful pee patterns in various jeans I've found on the www.  Enjoy.

(Click to enlarge)


Got an artsy peed denim pic you'd like the world to see?  Link below in the comments or DM it to me on Twitter and I'll share with a link back to your page (or not if you'd rather stay anonymous)!   

Saturday, January 20, 2024

PharMeDoc Incontinence Mat Review

I just did a thing:  I bought my first official piece of "omorashi paraphernalia" as it were.  Yes, ya girl has crossed over to the wet side for real.  After months of failed mattress protection using a majorly subpar setup, I decided to bite the bullet and invest in a real 4-layer mattress protector.  Let the good times flow!

After doing some online research, I decided on the PharMeDoc Bedwetting Pad & Mattress Protector in a large.  This 34" x 52" deluxe reusable wonder is nurse-recommended and AFFORDABLE at only $19-$21.  At the time of this review, it had 2,025 reviews on Amazon and a 4.6 of 5 star overall rating.  It's said to hold up to 8 cups of liquid--the average human bladder safely holds 2--and lasts over 300 washes.  The 4 layers consist of cotton and polyester with a super absorbent rayon fiberfill center on top of a PVC anti-slip barrier.  It can be used by kids or pets and is said to be pretty comfy, but my only concern is whether it'll keep my mattress and sheets dry during pee play.  

The PharMeDoc: A Many-Layered Thing

The bed is by far my favorite location to wet myself so if this works I'll be extremely pleased.  I currently have to stack two towels and a blanket on top of my wadded up shitty mattress "protector", and often the sheet/mattress still gets wet despite all that AND wearing panties, pants & sometimes placing a folded washcloth in my undies.  That's 7 layers in all.  Afterward, all that crap has to go in the washer for 2 rounds followed by a round in the dryer.  This requires a lot of detergent and electricity, so you can understand my need for something more efficient.  I looked at several other brands of incontinence mat, some cheaper and some more pricey.  But this seemed like a good compromise due to the positive reviews and price.  Most of the negative reviews complain about things like it not being slip-proof or being "too hot" to sleep on, neither of which matters much to a recreational wetter like myself.  

The Fun Part:  Unboxing & Testing

Front of box

I ordered my PharMeDoc on the 8th (Monday) from, turned on the news and saw that my area is getting slammed with a cold front-slash-possible ice storm starting on Saturday (the estimated delivery date).  Shit!  Fingers crossed hard that it arrives before the roads close and mail shuts down.  Oh what fun it would be to shut myself in and soak my new mattress pad while the world is locked down in a blizzard.  While I love sitting on the floor and wetting, there's nothing quite like the naughty thrill of peeing your pants while masturbating to omo porn lying horizontal in your bed.  I cum harder in this position for some reason (guessing it has to do with the g-spot) and have literally sprayed buckets in bed during peegasm but am always worried about the damn mattress.

Knock-knock.  Who's there?  The FedEx guy with my package!

It arrives on the 13th, the afternoon of the shitstorm.  I'm giddy like a schoolgirl in piss-soaked knickers.  The wind is whipping outside & I know nobody's gonna be knocking on my door for a while so I load the hump with water & prep for an evening of solo wet fun.  The pad is GIANT and very nicely made.  It covers the entire width of the bed and a good deal of the length so if I feel like I'm soaking through part of it I can just roll over.  My mattress is a full-size btw.  

Unfurled mat with wall in background 

I wear my usual pee-pee getup:  some panties plus my black polyester tights.  No rolled up washcloth in the panties this time.  I want to see just how well it absorbs without any help.  So I do my typical wetting thang--masturbating through increasingly wet pants/panties while watching porn until my bladder is empty.  I definitely feel the pee pooling underneath me & staying put, which is kinda reassuring because this isn't what happens when I just pee on other fabrics.  I make sure to move my butt around 2-3 times during this marathon to avoid overly soaking any one area.  I don't hold anything back, truly soaking myself in bed like I've never done before but being careful not to disturb the existing puddle.  Ahhh, feels heavenly.

Top of PharMeDoc mat after a good soaking...

When I'm through I carefully get up, peel back a dry corner to check for damage and... dammit.  One giant spot.  But the mat doesn't feel or look wet on the bottom?  Perhaps I wasn't positioned correctly the entire time--I've been known to miscalculate and point my pisser the wrong way, ending up with pee where pee shouldn't be.  But that doesn't appear to be the case either... at least not obviously so.  This will definitely require more trials in brighter light and more carefully controlled conditions to tell whether it was a true leak or user error.  But from preliminary observations it looks as though the wet spot was directly under the mat and thus, a leak.  

...and what was underneath.  😭

I should've tested it out on the floor first but I was SO excited to piss the bed I just went for it.  That's on me.  And I'd say it was worth it overall as it was very fun.  I'll just have to take care to move around more and maybe add one additional layer of protection to be on the safe side.  But that still beats the hell out of the SEVEN layers I've been using.  Not sure how many uses I can get out of it before washing but I plan to use it once more tonight (on the floor) and then throw it in the wash.  

So far I'm giving the PharMeDoc incontinence mat a tentative 8 1/2 of 10 stars.  It's big, well-made, definitely provides a lot of protection and the price is right.  I'm not entirely sure the leak was a leak or my own mistake but either way, I pissed a LOT and it's a pretty big ask to expect anything to soak that all up.  I'd recommend this for anyone shopping for incontinence products on a budget.  It's likely good for most adult users and definitely great for all kids and pets provided it's used properly.   Overall a smart investment and great value for the money, especially for someone who has to get up at night to pee & can't go back to sleep after.  Now I can just pee the bed, throw the mat on my wood floor & wash in the morning.  Easy pee-sy!  (I know how piggish and lazy that sounds but dammit I'm single, live alone and don't really give a damn).  As long as my place smells nice & the behavior stays limited to MY home, no harm no foul!

PVC bottom layer after the fun--completely dry to the touch.  The plot thickens... 

Update:  I used it on the floor later that night (prior to washing) and it leaked badly there too, probably in part due to already being wet.  However the 2nd time I used it in the bed without any pants/panties on it didn't leak at all.  I think my bladder was less full that time (not by much though) and I wadded it up for part of the fun, peeing/cumming into the wadded up part pretty forcefully.  I've washed it twice now with no issues--it has no special washing instructions & has done fine with my white vinegar-followed-by-regular-detergent cycles.  

Update #2:  I pissed the mat last night in bed without pants/panties again and it didn't leak at all, which is good because it was a full bladder of that nasty yellow pee from hours of no toilet.  I fully expected my mattress to be soaked after that but not a drop got through.  No idea what's the deciding factor but it was a lifesaver in that instance.  💛

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Stealth Wetting Part 2: A Pant-Testing Experiment

Disclaimer:  I did not wet these pants in public, I merely tested them out at home so you don't have to. 

So after my last piece about sneakily peeing yourself in public, I thought it'd be fun to personally test out some of my own suggestions to see just how stealthy they are after a full soaking.  Specifically, different colors and fabrics of pant.  Fun excuse to pee different pants "for science," right?   😏 🧪

First up:  the Black tights (92% polyester/8% Spandex).  Based on the Omorashi community's suggestions, these would be just about ideal in terms of both color AND fabric, plus they have a distracting pattern on them to draw eyes away from any wetness.  I start by gradually releasing spurts sitting on the floor, taking some pics and vids as I do.  So far, so good.  The wetness is only visible AS I'm peeing and only right over the crotch area.  Here's a clip of that.  Notice how quick the wetness dries up & disappears:

Later I let go over the toilet to see how well they hold up to a total flood.  Here's the complete soaking with a better panned out angle.  Still wicking away moisture like a champ:

Next up are the loudly patterned Multi-color tights with roughly the same fabric (90% polyester/10% Spandex).  While the fabric shouldn't give me any trouble, these wild colors are what I really wanna test.  They have only a small amount of black with a lot more grey, red & white.  Will ANY color polyester disguise a wetting accident or only black?  'Bout to find out:

As before I put on some panties & spurt about in them for a while until I can no longer hold the big dam burst over the toilet.  Here's how that went (sound UP):

And an after pic of my butt.  I thought these pants were gonna beat the black ones in stealth but the slight buttstain proves otherwise.  Still wouldn't be able to see it in low light or if the wetter was on the move.  

Looks like I sat in something wet

Next are these Navy blue shorts (50% cotton/50% polyester).  They've got the color & the polyester going for them, but how does cotton hold up to a good piss soaking?  Only one way to know for sure:

And with the full soaking: 

The buttstain is much more noticeable in these, which proves that cotton is far less stealthy than polyester or Spandex.  And the dark Navy blue color does surprisingly little to disguise the situation.

Front view  😬

Butt view  😳

Finally we've got the Hot pink shorts (60% cotton/35% polyester/5% Spandex).  Not gonna lie, I'm iffy about these from the start, both due to the color and the fabric.  They have the highest cotton content yet, not to mention the light color.  But the wide legs are a plus I suppose.  

Here's the initial partial wetting on the floor.  Not too noticeable at all:

And the total soaking on the toilet:

Check out that buttstain, would ya?  The front is not noticeable at all because I was leaning back on the toilet, but holy piss-soaked Cannoli!  Unless you were able to pull off a pee-down-the-leghole trick, these would be the worst choice due to the color and fabric.  However, I do think you could pee straight down if standing up due to the wide leg/loose fit, therefore I'm ranking them as follows.  

Front view

Butt view

To conclude, here are my final rankings:
  Black polyester/Spandex tights - Best
  Multi-colored polyester/Spandex tights - #2
  Hot pink 60% cotton blend shorts - #3
 Navy Blue 50% polyester/cotton shorts - Worst

So all the recommendations I've seen for stealthy wetting clothes are more or less true:  black Spandex/polyester is by far the most un-clockable, even for heavy wettings.  Throw a little pattern on there and it helps disguise it even further.  Polyester/Spandex ANYTHING is better than cotton in any color according to this little ex-pee-riment, though if you only have non-polyester fabrics like cotton, darker is not necessarily always better as the navy blue seemed to be slightly worse due to the tighter fit. 
Wetness was still VERY visible on hot pink but the wide leg would've allowed me to pee mostly down the crotch where it would've been almost unnoticeable--I chose to go on the toilet for continuity so my butt ended up drenched.  (Black, dark camo, RealTree type hunting pants & other dark or patterned colors of cotton might be better than Navy blue--that I can't be sure of).  You'll have to conduct your own experiment to find out how other fabrics and colors hold up!

Summary 💛

Fabric is more important than color, with any color of polyester/Spandex > any color cotton

If you only have cotton, loose fit > dark color, just pee down the legs in standing position

(And don't forget other tips like tying a jacket around your waist & staying hydrated to reduce smell/color).

*Pee-S:  I had the greatest squirting peegasm of my life in the 2nd pair of tights after filming the toilet vid.  I thought I'd soak my entire living room through them:  floor, walls, ceiling & all.  Fairly certain that wasn't all pee as I've NEVER had piss shoot out that forcefully or feel that good before. 💦

Monday, January 15, 2024

Can Intentional Wetting Cause Incontinence? My Experience

The brain is the control center for all other organs including the bladder.

So I'm not someone who engages in extreme desperation, full bladder challenges or any of that stuff.  Before my wettings I like to get a little desperate but no worse than I would if I was out running errands or doing housework & was delaying peeing just a bit.  That's to say:  nothing has changed in how long I hold my bladder since I started wetting myself regularly.  I'm someone who naturally gets desperate VERY quickly & pees often but has never had an accident at any point in my life, either as a child or adult, yet I'm finding that the more I wet myself for fun the closer I get to having it happen for real by accident.  This would make sense if I was torturing/stretching my bladder but I'm not.  Nor am I "just going" whenever/wherever with no control & letting my bladder get lax and lazy.  I have to plan my wettings carefully to avoid soiling my bed, couch & other things.  Wish that wasn't the case as I find casual wettings very hot, but it's true.

So what gives? 

Very little scientific info exists about the effect of intentionally wetting your pants (sans extreme holding) and how it might relate to incontinence.  But the subject has come up in Omorashi circles and the consensus seems to be the same as my theory:  when you wet your pants frequently for pleasure, your brain gets accustomed to the sensation & later signals that it's A-OK to do it anytime, anywhere.  Think of it as a potty training-in-reverse.  Babies are taught NOT to pee their diapers or pants & to hold until they get to a toilet, but you can also train yourself that your pants are as good as a toilet if you do it enough times.  Like Pavlov's dogs, it's all about conditioning.

Recreational wetter asks whether intentional wetting can cause incontinence (


While my experience is anecdotal, I feel this is the best explanation because it's also gotten much easier in general for me to (intentionally) release those first few streams in my pants now compared to when I started wetting myself frequently only a month ago.  Back then I'd have to really concentrate & even rub myself or push the first droplets out, but not anymore!  Now the opposite is true:  I have to focus NOT to start going in my pants when the urge arises.  That's all fine and dandy for planned wettings but not so swift for the real world.  Unlike some Omo enthusiasts I have zero interest in publicly wetting myself and would never leave the house again if such a thing happened.  This is strictly a private pleasure for me.  

I have to wonder--and slightly worry--where this ends.  If I keep wetting for fun will I eventually become actually incontinent?  I've never had kids and my pelvic floor therapist said things are on the "immobile/tight" side rather than leaning toward the other end of the spectrum (incontinence/prolapse), but if this is all mental that probably doesn't matter.  I guess all I can do is continue to stay hydrated, take D-mannose to prevent UTI & not wear wet pants too long or do other things that might lead to chafing/infection such as using scented bubble baths/soaps 'down there'.  If I need to re-potty train my brain in the future by abstaining from wetting myself for a while I'll begrudgingly do it but I ain't gonna be happy about it.  

Have any of my other fellow omo lovers experienced increased difficulty holding their pee in daily life after regularly engaging in intentional wettings?  Did it get better/worse on its own, and how did you treat it (if at all)?

Friday, January 5, 2024

Tips for Secretly Wetting Your Pants in Public

It's an inevitable question for a lot of omorashi "advanced level" practitioners:  "How do I wet myself in public without getting caught & making a scene?"  While some folks get off on the humiliation aspect, there are situations where getting caught is absolutely NOT desirable; plus some of us just find the idea of stealthily soaking ourselves while going about mundane everyday tasks to be incredibly hot.  Others aim to swear off toilets altogether:  a lofty goal to be sure.

So how would one be able to pull this off?  Pee is WET, has a SMELL & makes NOISE when it comes out.  In other words, it's inherently not "stealthy".

First of all, if you decide to piss yourself in public, you must do so in a way that is considerate of those around you and doesn't create a mess for them to clean up.  Little droplets are not such a big deal but a giant pee puddle in one spot is not okay.  Also, wetting in a really noticeable way that draws attention to yourself around non-consenting people is a big no-no.  Doing so for sexual kicks is exhibitionism which can be considered criminal in some places (as it should be).  You do NOT want to get caught publicly wetting in an exhibitionist manner somewhere that minors congregate, where food is served or somewhere that could otherwise create trouble for yourself & traumatize those around you.  You've been warned. 

But if you're just looking to wet for convenience without getting caught, here are some tips to help you get started. 

Clothing: Color, Material & Fit

Public wetting in black tights: barely noticeable even in sunlight

Choosing clothing of the right color is key: black is generally going to be a better choice than, say, light blue or gray which shows off wetness like a spotlight.  Loud patterns such as camouflage & anything with bright polka dots or zig zags works well too, but fabric could be an even bigger factor.

Black Spandex or polyester bicycle shorts/running pants are probably the best choice, as they wick away moisture & don't tend to show wetness at all due to their shimmery fabric.  Even so, it's still going to run down your legs and into your shoes/the floor, which means you'll need to keep moving and be mindful not to release too much at once around people so your shoes don't audibly make a 'squoosh' sound & the hiss isn't noticeable.  Women can opt for a loose skirt with some cotton panties underneath & just let go down their legs or while sitting on the ground outside.  And of course diapers or Pull-Ups are always an option, as are maxi-pads and absorbent underwear like Thinx.  Just keep in mind these items generally won't contain a full bladder's worth of pee so dress accordingly. 

Swimsuit wettings are generally very safe as they're meant to get wet, as are raingear & snowsuits.  It's pretty common for people to piss themselves on the ski slopes where it's freezing & bathrooms aren't handy.  If you happen to soak yourself in pants that aren't dark or moisture-repellent, you can wear a trench coat or tie a jacket around your waist to help cover the evidence.

Location, Location, Location

The "where" is the 2nd most important factor when planning a public wetting.  Outdoor settings like public parks/hiking trails, swimming pools, ski slopes & concerts/festivals where bathrooms are either too scarce or too disgusting are all good options.  It's common for distance runners & cyclists to wet themselves so you wouldn't need an elaborate explanation if you got caught out during one of those activities, plus some poor janitor wouldn't be left to clean up your mess.  Win-win.  I could also see a person pissing themselves at an amusement park or water park (I've done the latter, wetting my swimsuit all the way to the parking lot and it was very enjoyable).  Haunted houses, horror flicks & roller coasters provide the "I was scared" excuse, and lakes, ponds, the ocean & other bodies of water = all good options for obvious reasons.

The U.S. has a serious lack of public bathrooms--a possible plus for omo fans.

If you do decide to wet yourself inside a public indoor establishment, be very mindful to either clean up your mess or not leave one to begin with.  You could always excuse yourself to go to the restroom and piss your pants over the toilet/urinal.  Wetting in long bathroom lines at bars/pubs, ball games & other places where bathrooms are overly occupied is a reasonable and not infrequent occurrence, especially if alcohol is being served.  New Years Eve events with large crowds & no bathrooms nearby are known to bring out diaper-wearing pants wetters, particularly in big cities like NYC.  

A recent article calling out America's lack of public bathrooms put the problem in perspective:  this country is severely short on public toilets & it's reaching crisis level. For instance, there are 600 public restrooms in New York city parks, which sounds like a lot until you consider that there are 8.4 MILLION people in the city and those restrooms mostly close at 8 p.m. according to Mayor de Blasio's office.  Things aren't much better in Seattle.  With huge fines and the threat of being put on sex offender registries for whipping it out and pissing in public, what is one to do but wet their pants in these situations?  13 celebrities have been arrested for public urination, so the threat is not merely theoretical.  

Outdoor concerts/festivals are an acceptable place to wet yourself

Of course your own car is a relatively safe option that provides the best of both worlds in terms of public and private wetting.  Just be sure to put down a trashbag and plenty of towels first.  Car wettings can be very exciting due to the threat of being pulled over while driving or spotted walking inside with wet pants afterward.  Getting caught in a monsoon or downpour could provide a good cover for soppy pants, as could walking through a sprinkler or splash pad in the summertime.  

Other Considerations

Staying hydrated increases pee volume and decreases smell

Drinking plenty of plain water will help keep your urine clear & reduce the smell dramatically.  Dehydration or consuming too much caffeine, alcohol or diuretic drinks other than water is what makes it concentrated & stinky with that sickly yellow color, so remember to hydrate on the day you plan your wetting.  (Just don't overdo it as water intoxication can kill).  

Public wettings are all about plausible deniability:  having a story to cover yourself should you get caught.  What reason could you have for having wet pants in public BESIDES peeing yourself?  Failing that, why might you have pissed yourself that is a reasonable explanation other than "I enjoy peeing my pants because it feels good"?  Have these explanations ready BEFORE heading out into the world so you can focus on the pleasure aspect & enjoying yourself rather than anxiety.  Being pissy drunk (literally), no bathrooms for miles, long bathroom lines, spilling a giant bottle of water on yourself, etc. are all possible "legit" explanations for wet pants.  Hopefully you don't need an explanation, but better safe than sorry.  

Back on the public indecency issue:  this would be a great cover for wetting yourself anywhere a toilet is inaccessible for any reason.  (Can't find a bathroom, line is too long, out of order, no attendant or key at the gas station, etc).  If getting caught doesn't bother you, just say you couldn't find a bathroom (or whatever the situation is) and thought it better to pee yourself than expose yourself & risk getting put on the sex offender registry, which is a thing that actually happens.  13 states have laws specifically forbidding public urination lest you become a registered sex offender.  This is actually terrifying and might be a legit reason for ANYONE, omo lover or not, to consider wetting in a country without adequate public bathroom access.

Time of day can also mean the difference between being seen or not.  Going for a sunrise jog and pissing yourself is less likely to result in getting clocked than doing so at 12:30 p.m. on a Sunday when church is letting out.  Ditto for car wettings & most other kinds.  Time of YEAR can also matter in terms of how busy a given location is: public parks, campgrounds & hiking trails tend to be less busy when the weather is extremely hot or cold than in temperate seasons.  Once you've tried publicly wetting a few times you might feel more comfortable doing it around more people, but at least for the first few times try to limit yourself to as empty a place as possible.  It will still be a major thrill, I promise.  You'll be glad you did.   

How NOT to wet your pants in public  😬

What tips do my veteran public pant-pissers have that aren't included here?  Drop 'em in the comments!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Perfect Friendship: An Omo Meetup Fantasy

Imagine having a totally platonic secret friend you could meet up with and indulge in your wetting fetish together with no judgment or strings attached.  Ladies, I'm talking to you specifically:  After a hard week of work and dealing with your tyrannical boss & demanding family, you meet up with your female wetting buddy at a secret location for drinks--not necessarily the alcoholic variety but they can be if that's your pleasure.  No sexual pressure; just platonic friends into the same "hobby".  You throw back drinks until your bladder is nice & full, hop in the ride & head out to your friend's place--a totally private location where just the 2 of you will spend the weekend without distractions or demands.  Phones on 'silent'.  

Your bladder is quickly growing more taut as you look over at each other with that knowing glance, smirking with a mischievous grin.  "Friendgirl" as we'll call her steps on the gas & clutches her belly alluding to the fact that she's growing desperate.  You arrive at her condo / apartment and she fumbles with the keys a bit too long, struggling to get them in the lock before having an accident.  You're not QUITE as desperate but watching her squirm is making you wet in that 'other' special way.  She dashes to the bathroom and holds her crotch while hopping up and down, leaking one small but visible spurt into her jeans.  You both examine the damage and your heart starts to pound in excited anticipation.  "I don't know how much longer I can hold it" she says as she positions herself over a towel on the floor.  You concur & let go an equal-sized spurt to make her feel better. 

"There, see?  Now we're even."  

But that little outburst opens the flood gates, causing you to release more piss than you'd planned.  You turn away in embarrassment, genuinely surprised that you lost control like that.  "Whoa!  Are you still going?" she asks coyly, clearly hoping the answer is 'yes' so she can follow suit.  

"Yeah, but I didn't mean to.  I'm good now though.  See?"  You turn & reveal a dinner plate-sized wet spot on your grey tights.  

Comparing your partial wet spots before letting go completely

"Urrrghhghhhh!  Okay, I'm just gonna let a little more out... to ease the pressure.  You can watch to make sure I don't get carried away.  Here I go."  She spreads her legs & puts her splayed fingers over her crotch as she unleashes into her jeans.  Only problem is, she can't stop.  Even when she forcefully grabs her pussy & crosses her legs, the urine keeps flooding her pants & the floor as you stand there with your mouth agape & eyes wide. 

By now your own need is growing extreme but you want to hold on juuuust a little longer because the pressure feels so good on your g-spot.  And honestly you're super horny from seeing her grope herself & soak the floor.  If you knew she wouldn't mind, you'd excuse yourself & masturbate to peegasm right this minute, but that'd be too awkward.  You have a man & you're not gay or even bisexual... right?  Besides, this arrangement was never supposed to be sexual.  Just a strictly wetting/omo thing.

"Well I guess I'd better change out of these pissy pants now" she says as she starts toward the door, but you grab her shoulder, reminding her that you haven't even wet yourself yet.  "Wait!  Don't you want to watch me?" you say with a disappointed tone & pouty look on your face.  [Wow, what was THAT?  You're surprised by how much you want her to watch you piss yourself, almost as if you're hurt she'd leave you there to go it alone.  Get a grip!]  

"Well yeah, of course!  Were you about to go now, or...?" 

You nod in silence as you bite your lip & let it flow in your tights.  You stand there soaking yourself for what feels like an eternity in her bath tub.  And it feels SO. GOOD.

You, letting it rip in your buddy's bath tub

Her cheeks redden & she smiles.  You can tell she's aroused but uncomfortable, as she knows you're in a relationship (& not gay).  So she simply says "Haha, nice one" and exits with her wet jeans in hand & a towel around her waist.  She shuts the bedroom door behind her but leaves it cracked a tiny bit, stripping completely nude & walking into her closet out of view.  You do the same in the living room, peeling off your soaked bottoms & digging into your suitcase in search of some dry things.  What to wet next?   You choose some red lacy panties & tight-fitting sweat pants... you love how the fabric feels when it goes from dry to piss-soaked. 

While you're standing in front of the mirror looking at your new dry attire, you hear something strange coming from her room:  it sounds like... labored breathing?  You edge toward the door & listen closer:  she's playing with herself!!!  No, you must be hallucinating.  And even if she was, you couldn't dare intrude on something so private.  That's creepy.  But she DID leave the bedroom door cracked.  And she IS doing it loudly with you in the next room.  You quietly creep up to the door & peek in, where you see her squatted down like a frog rubbing herself over the closet floor.  Maybe you just need to get a closer look to verify that's what's really going on and th...

What you walk in on 🫠

Oh NO.  Shit-shit-shit.  FUCK.  Your cat-like movement (not) causes an ornament to topple from the shelf, crashing to the ground & startling her out of her masturbatory trance.   She turns to see you at the doorway watching.

"Hey look I'm so sorry.  I didn't mean to intrude like that.  This is your house & if you want me to go..."  are the words that tumble out of your mouth but they feel wildly insufficient.  The shame & embarrassment hang thick in the air as your heart beats out of your chest.  This unique arrangement is probably coming to an end now because of your boneheaded behavior.  😓

"No, don't be silly!  I just got a little, uh, you know.  Carried away.  I hope I haven't made you uncomfortable.  I know we had an agreement and it will NEVER happen again.  I feel terrible" she says as she scrambles to cover her wet glistening body with the towel.

"It ...won't?  But what if I told you I was thinking about doing the same thing earlier?"  She looks stunned & confused. You continue:

"I know we agreed to no sexual stuff & I still stand by that for the most part.  I'm in a relationship & have no desire to cheat.  But we're both super turned on by this & there has to be a way we can... you know... get full satisfaction... without crossing the line.  We don't have to have sex or anything, right?  I mean we're already here together & we've seen each other wet ourselves in every piece of clothing we own.  What could be more intimate than THAT?  We shouldn't have to hide to do something we both want to do.   No nudity, no kissing & no touching each other--to me that's not cheating, it's just..... mutual enjoyment of the same stimulus."  

She stops to think a minute & appears to agree.  "I don't know, I still feel bad.  Believe me, I WANT to but I don't want you to feel any pressure from the sex-crazed "lezzie".  I'm perfectly capable of keeping things platonic & I really won't feel bad if you wanna leave early & not come back...  

"Stop.  I don't feel any pressure.  Well actually I do but it's a different kind if you get my meaning.  I think the "Platonic Ship" has already sailed, plus I do the same thing when I wet myself at home, and I'm guessing you do too, based on..." you gesture toward the closet with a sly smile.

"How did you ever guess?" Friendgirl says sarcastically.  "Here, I've got an idea" she says as she leads you into the bedroom by the hand, turning off the lights.  "What if we put on some wetting vids and keep the room nice & dark for extra privacy.  I'll keep my clothes on & you can put this blanket over yourself.  We don't even have to look at each other.  Sound good?"

"Sounds fucking AMAZING, except I'll skip the blanket if that's alright.  I get overheated when I... well, you know."  She shakes her head 'yes' & smiles.  You watch a playlist of wetting vids custom-made by your secret friend while you sit on her floor rubbing your clit through your panties, legs spread.  It feels awkward at first but you quickly get over that as you watch girls on the screen piss & moan.  This is by far the most adventurous thing you've ever done sexually & it's turning you on in ways you never imagined possible.  Pretty soon your hand is inside the panties.

And now you've got to pee again.  As you watch clip after clip of women soaking themselves in beds, cars, parks, public bathrooms & changing rooms, your bladder can hardly stand the pressure.  You wonder how your friend is holding up.  Before you can ask, her breathing becomes labored & she's climaxing, or very close to it.  You hate to interrupt but have to tell her you're about to wet the floor and ask for a towel or something else to soak up the mess.  "Fuck it, just use the floor...  I'll clean it up later."  This thought causes her to lose it.  She's cumming HARD & grabs a throw pillow to muffle her screams. 

That pushes you over the edge: now the droplets in your panties are coalescing into a stream and making a puddle beneath your ass.  You try to catch some of it in your hand but it runs right out.  The hiss is loud & long as you give in to the imminent peegasm that's been building since the moment you stepped in the door.  You lay back & put your legs in the air so you can fully soak yourself.  Suddenly it doesn't matter if you flood the floor, and you want her to see every detail as your pussy contracts & squirts through your panties.   

You at the moment of peegasm

"Oh god, I'm pissing & cumming!" you say as you rub your clit hard in circles, spraying piss all over yourself & her hardwood floor.  You're having a full-blown peegasm in front of your internet friend, and it feels DIVINE!  You shove two fingers deep inside in a half-assed attempt to stop the flood but it only makes you cum harder, & the sound of you fucking your piss-soaked pussy is clearly turning your friend on big time.  She's 100% entranced by your show, still bouncing on her fingers in the dark as she encourages you to "keep going" and "let it all out, baby".  Your panties are dripping with piss & cum as you tremble & quake, the last gush of pee spraying out wildly as your pussy convulses & you moan like a banshee.  


You both lie on the floor in stunned silence while you catch your breath before laughing at the scene you've just made, neither the least bit regretful.  THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT.   When you regain your strength, you wipe up your mess & talk about what just happened & where you'd like to wet yourselves next.  (You decide on the hammock on the balcony lying side by side).  You need a nap, but 1st you grab 2 tall glasses of water to rehydrate for Round 2.  

When it's all over, you each go back to your lives as if it never happened, your memories the only souvenirs of this Wonderful Wet Weekend.  You couldn't be more different in every way except one, and that's fine by you.  She's gay, you're (mostly) straight.  She's a laid-back hedonist; you're a Type A family woman with a serious career.  She's single, you're taken.  But it works because you're not looking for a best friend, lover or therapist & neither is she; you're simply looking to get this one unique need met, plus she pushes you out of your comfort zone by being so opposite.  You always leave satisfied & looking forward to your next adventure, wherever it may take you.  💦

Monday, January 1, 2024

Omolandia: The Town Where Public Wettings Are the Norm

Cast of UrineTown.  Why didn't they just go in their pants?

Just read about Zuckerberg & Musk's depressing company towns & got to thinking: if any of my omo readers hits it big, you should create a pee-friendly township where wet pants are welcome everywhere.  No sexual stuff or unwanted advances--just a regular town where everything's exactly like normal except one thing:  you can piss yourself in public anywhere, anytime with no judgment. Here's my blueprint for the ideal place of this kind (We'll call it 'Omolandia' for now) -

Now Entering: Omolandia
Population:  Soaked  💦

Gym - Drench your Spandex running shorts while sweating it out on the cycles or squatting to deadlift in the weight section, then change into some dry clothes and do it all over again.  Pee as much & as freely as you like, just don't be a lunkhead.  

"Focus on gains, not stains" at the Omolandia gym

Shops - What better way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon than casually window shopping or perusing the sales racks at your favorite stores with a full bladder as you let little spurts go in your undies?  So relaxing!  If you're feeling especially bold you could pop a squat on the ledge in one of the dressing rooms & treat it like a toilet, flooding your pants completely after trying on a new outfit.  No judgment in this UrineNation!

Dressing rooms double as restrooms in Omolandia.

Coffee Shop - While you're out shopping or running errands, don't forget to stop at the coffee shop to rehydrate with some tasty drinks:  coffee, tea, smoothies & plenty of H2O for all your bladder-filling needs.  Hydration is kinda sacred in Omolandia.  Can't have a bunch of yellow pissers stanking everything up.

Park - Enjoy a leisurely stroll through our scenic park, where humans & dogs alike can be seen letting loose as the urge arises.  The only difference?  Humans do it on the slide, the swing set, the merry-go-round & the park bench.... dogs just use the sandbox or a tree.  

These peeing statues in Kyiv would look ADORBS in Omolandia Park.  Just sayin'.

Public Pool - I know what you're thinking:  who in their right mind would wanna share a pool with a bunch of proud pissers?!  But unlike other public pools that are 50% water, 20% chlorine & 30% urine, Omolandia's swimming hole is pee-free since swimmers are encouraged to piss everywhere else in town!  Lifeguards can be seen wetting their swimsuits & trunks from their towers but weeing in the pool is strictly forbidden. 

- Every legit city has public transit, and Omolandia's no different.  All aboard the Omo Express, where you can conveniently piss right where you sit or stand as you wait for your stop. 

Theme Park - Enjoy a sweet treat or some deep-fried comfort food after riding one of our thrilling roller coasters that's sure to scare the pee right out of you.  New pants can be purchased in the gift shop as many times as you need them.

No more haunted house or roller coaster shame: all wetters welcome.  

Movie Theatre - Got a hot date?  Catch a flick at the $3 Cinema where snacks (including large drinks) are cheap and you don't have to miss the movie to go to the lame-ass restroom.  Just go in your seat!  Ahhh, free warmth; sweet relief.  

Bar/Grille - What better way to spend a Friday night than heading to the sports bar w. your buds, enjoying some brewskis & betting on your fave team?  Losers have to waste their pee in the toilet.  (Boo!)

Nightclub - Where does the Omolandia in-crowd go on a Saturday night?  To the nightclub of course!  DJ's, live music, packed dancefloors & not a bathroom in sight.  Fill up on your fave drink & let it all out on the dancefloor when your bladder reaches critical capacity.  Just don't slip down in your own puddle.

2 ladies pee freely at a club.  Imagine a town full of this.

.........of course this special little slice of heaven would require a lot of pee-friendly janitors, cleaning products & cops/security guards to keep the pervy rule-breakers out, but it could definitely happen.  (Maybe we could get a sponsorship from an adult diaper company or Clorox)?  If nude beaches & sex clubs can exist without rapes & other violent crimes, so can Omolandia!  

Townspeople & visitors would have to observe the "casual wettings only" rule--no masturbation or sex in public.  If you have to pee in public in Omolandia, it goes in your pants:  no exposing yourself allowed.  No kids past age 2 (and then only at kid-friendly places like the shops, movie theatre & pool) & no non-omo friendly visitors or journalists welcome at any time.  This is a safe space, not a freakshow.  

People with actual urinary incontinence would always be welcome due to the non-sexual nature of the town, which could be revolutionary.  Where else can these folks feel completely un-judged in society?  I can't think of a single place, and that's sad.  Meanwhile the ability to pee anytime, anywhere would lead to fewer UTIs and bladder/kidney infections, which would hopefully show the world that there's nothing to fear about this way of life & it can actually be healthier than the mainstream way.  Who knows?  Maybe other places would start instituting self-wetting policies, or at least society's attitudes would soften toward the behavior once enough scientific and social data piled up.   🤷🏼‍♀

Just don't forget to credit this little pissblogger for the idea (and give me a small stake in the town plz) when it happens, K?  😚

What would you add to this dream town?  Is it just a dream or could you see it becoming a reality one day if a rich enough investor funded it?  Epstein had a whole frickin' island & ranch, ffs.  Surely we can have our happy (and safe) pee place.  Or perhaps we should start an annual meetup akin to the Gathering of the Juggalos or Rainbow Gathering/Burning Man first to see how it works out... test the waters so to speak lol.  💛   🚫  🚽 

Leave your thoughts in the comments below!  

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...