Friday, January 5, 2024

Tips for Secretly Wetting Your Pants in Public

It's an inevitable question for a lot of omorashi "advanced level" practitioners:  "How do I wet myself in public without getting caught & making a scene?"  While some folks get off on the humiliation aspect, there are situations where getting caught is absolutely NOT desirable; plus some of us just find the idea of stealthily soaking ourselves while going about mundane everyday tasks to be incredibly hot.  Others aim to swear off toilets altogether:  a lofty goal to be sure.

So how would one be able to pull this off?  Pee is WET, has a SMELL & makes NOISE when it comes out.  In other words, it's inherently not "stealthy".

First of all, if you decide to piss yourself in public, you must do so in a way that is considerate of those around you and doesn't create a mess for them to clean up.  Little droplets are not such a big deal but a giant pee puddle in one spot is not okay.  Also, wetting in a really noticeable way that draws attention to yourself around non-consenting people is a big no-no.  Doing so for sexual kicks is exhibitionism which can be considered criminal in some places (as it should be).  You do NOT want to get caught publicly wetting in an exhibitionist manner somewhere that minors congregate, where food is served or somewhere that could otherwise create trouble for yourself & traumatize those around you.  You've been warned. 

But if you're just looking to wet for convenience without getting caught, here are some tips to help you get started. 

Clothing: Color, Material & Fit

Public wetting in black tights: barely noticeable even in sunlight

Choosing clothing of the right color is key: black is generally going to be a better choice than, say, light blue or gray which shows off wetness like a spotlight.  Loud patterns such as camouflage & anything with bright polka dots or zig zags works well too, but fabric could be an even bigger factor.

Black Spandex or polyester bicycle shorts/running pants are probably the best choice, as they wick away moisture & don't tend to show wetness at all due to their shimmery fabric.  Even so, it's still going to run down your legs and into your shoes/the floor, which means you'll need to keep moving and be mindful not to release too much at once around people so your shoes don't audibly make a 'squoosh' sound & the hiss isn't noticeable.  Women can opt for a loose skirt with some cotton panties underneath & just let go down their legs or while sitting on the ground outside.  And of course diapers or Pull-Ups are always an option, as are maxi-pads and absorbent underwear like Thinx.  Just keep in mind these items generally won't contain a full bladder's worth of pee so dress accordingly. 

Swimsuit wettings are generally very safe as they're meant to get wet, as are raingear & snowsuits.  It's pretty common for people to piss themselves on the ski slopes where it's freezing & bathrooms aren't handy.  If you happen to soak yourself in pants that aren't dark or moisture-repellent, you can wear a trench coat or tie a jacket around your waist to help cover the evidence.

Location, Location, Location

The "where" is the 2nd most important factor when planning a public wetting.  Outdoor settings like public parks/hiking trails, swimming pools, ski slopes & concerts/festivals where bathrooms are either too scarce or too disgusting are all good options.  It's common for distance runners & cyclists to wet themselves so you wouldn't need an elaborate explanation if you got caught out during one of those activities, plus some poor janitor wouldn't be left to clean up your mess.  Win-win.  I could also see a person pissing themselves at an amusement park or water park (I've done the latter, wetting my swimsuit all the way to the parking lot and it was very enjoyable).  Haunted houses, horror flicks & roller coasters provide the "I was scared" excuse, and lakes, ponds, the ocean & other bodies of water = all good options for obvious reasons.

The U.S. has a serious lack of public bathrooms--a possible plus for omo fans.

If you do decide to wet yourself inside a public indoor establishment, be very mindful to either clean up your mess or not leave one to begin with.  You could always excuse yourself to go to the restroom and piss your pants over the toilet/urinal.  Wetting in long bathroom lines at bars/pubs, ball games & other places where bathrooms are overly occupied is a reasonable and not infrequent occurrence, especially if alcohol is being served.  New Years Eve events with large crowds & no bathrooms nearby are known to bring out diaper-wearing pants wetters, particularly in big cities like NYC.  

A recent article calling out America's lack of public bathrooms put the problem in perspective:  this country is severely short on public toilets & it's reaching crisis level. For instance, there are 600 public restrooms in New York city parks, which sounds like a lot until you consider that there are 8.4 MILLION people in the city and those restrooms mostly close at 8 p.m. according to Mayor de Blasio's office.  Things aren't much better in Seattle.  With huge fines and the threat of being put on sex offender registries for whipping it out and pissing in public, what is one to do but wet their pants in these situations?  13 celebrities have been arrested for public urination, so the threat is not merely theoretical.  

Outdoor concerts/festivals are an acceptable place to wet yourself

Of course your own car is a relatively safe option that provides the best of both worlds in terms of public and private wetting.  Just be sure to put down a trashbag and plenty of towels first.  Car wettings can be very exciting due to the threat of being pulled over while driving or spotted walking inside with wet pants afterward.  Getting caught in a monsoon or downpour could provide a good cover for soppy pants, as could walking through a sprinkler or splash pad in the summertime.  

Other Considerations

Staying hydrated increases pee volume and decreases smell

Drinking plenty of plain water will help keep your urine clear & reduce the smell dramatically.  Dehydration or consuming too much caffeine, alcohol or diuretic drinks other than water is what makes it concentrated & stinky with that sickly yellow color, so remember to hydrate on the day you plan your wetting.  (Just don't overdo it as water intoxication can kill).  

Public wettings are all about plausible deniability:  having a story to cover yourself should you get caught.  What reason could you have for having wet pants in public BESIDES peeing yourself?  Failing that, why might you have pissed yourself that is a reasonable explanation other than "I enjoy peeing my pants because it feels good"?  Have these explanations ready BEFORE heading out into the world so you can focus on the pleasure aspect & enjoying yourself rather than anxiety.  Being pissy drunk (literally), no bathrooms for miles, long bathroom lines, spilling a giant bottle of water on yourself, etc. are all possible "legit" explanations for wet pants.  Hopefully you don't need an explanation, but better safe than sorry.  

Back on the public indecency issue:  this would be a great cover for wetting yourself anywhere a toilet is inaccessible for any reason.  (Can't find a bathroom, line is too long, out of order, no attendant or key at the gas station, etc).  If getting caught doesn't bother you, just say you couldn't find a bathroom (or whatever the situation is) and thought it better to pee yourself than expose yourself & risk getting put on the sex offender registry, which is a thing that actually happens.  13 states have laws specifically forbidding public urination lest you become a registered sex offender.  This is actually terrifying and might be a legit reason for ANYONE, omo lover or not, to consider wetting in a country without adequate public bathroom access.

Time of day can also mean the difference between being seen or not.  Going for a sunrise jog and pissing yourself is less likely to result in getting clocked than doing so at 12:30 p.m. on a Sunday when church is letting out.  Ditto for car wettings & most other kinds.  Time of YEAR can also matter in terms of how busy a given location is: public parks, campgrounds & hiking trails tend to be less busy when the weather is extremely hot or cold than in temperate seasons.  Once you've tried publicly wetting a few times you might feel more comfortable doing it around more people, but at least for the first few times try to limit yourself to as empty a place as possible.  It will still be a major thrill, I promise.  You'll be glad you did.   

How NOT to wet your pants in public  😬

What tips do my veteran public pant-pissers have that aren't included here?  Drop 'em in the comments!

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...