Monday, January 15, 2024

Can Intentional Wetting Cause Incontinence? My Experience

The brain is the control center for all other organs including the bladder.

So I'm not someone who engages in extreme desperation, full bladder challenges or any of that stuff.  Before my wettings I like to get a little desperate but no worse than I would if I was out running errands or doing housework & was delaying peeing just a bit.  That's to say:  nothing has changed in how long I hold my bladder since I started wetting myself regularly.  I'm someone who naturally gets desperate VERY quickly & pees often but has never had an accident at any point in my life, either as a child or adult, yet I'm finding that the more I wet myself for fun the closer I get to having it happen for real by accident.  This would make sense if I was torturing/stretching my bladder but I'm not.  Nor am I "just going" whenever/wherever with no control & letting my bladder get lax and lazy.  I have to plan my wettings carefully to avoid soiling my bed, couch & other things.  Wish that wasn't the case as I find casual wettings very hot, but it's true.

So what gives? 

Very little scientific info exists about the effect of intentionally wetting your pants (sans extreme holding) and how it might relate to incontinence.  But the subject has come up in Omorashi circles and the consensus seems to be the same as my theory:  when you wet your pants frequently for pleasure, your brain gets accustomed to the sensation & later signals that it's A-OK to do it anytime, anywhere.  Think of it as a potty training-in-reverse.  Babies are taught NOT to pee their diapers or pants & to hold until they get to a toilet, but you can also train yourself that your pants are as good as a toilet if you do it enough times.  Like Pavlov's dogs, it's all about conditioning.

Recreational wetter asks whether intentional wetting can cause incontinence (


While my experience is anecdotal, I feel this is the best explanation because it's also gotten much easier in general for me to (intentionally) release those first few streams in my pants now compared to when I started wetting myself frequently only a month ago.  Back then I'd have to really concentrate & even rub myself or push the first droplets out, but not anymore!  Now the opposite is true:  I have to focus NOT to start going in my pants when the urge arises.  That's all fine and dandy for planned wettings but not so swift for the real world.  Unlike some Omo enthusiasts I have zero interest in publicly wetting myself and would never leave the house again if such a thing happened.  This is strictly a private pleasure for me.  

I have to wonder--and slightly worry--where this ends.  If I keep wetting for fun will I eventually become actually incontinent?  I've never had kids and my pelvic floor therapist said things are on the "immobile/tight" side rather than leaning toward the other end of the spectrum (incontinence/prolapse), but if this is all mental that probably doesn't matter.  I guess all I can do is continue to stay hydrated, take D-mannose to prevent UTI & not wear wet pants too long or do other things that might lead to chafing/infection such as using scented bubble baths/soaps 'down there'.  If I need to re-potty train my brain in the future by abstaining from wetting myself for a while I'll begrudgingly do it but I ain't gonna be happy about it.  

Have any of my other fellow omo lovers experienced increased difficulty holding their pee in daily life after regularly engaging in intentional wettings?  Did it get better/worse on its own, and how did you treat it (if at all)?

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...