Saturday, March 1, 2025

Seasons of Wetness: Spring

Like Autumn, Springtime is one of the milder seasons--perfect for doing the outdoor activities you couldn't do in the Winter due to the cold.  While it's still too cold to swim or enjoy other water-based activities, there are plenty of other unique ways to work "water" into your repertoire this season (wink-wink).  

If you enjoy plants or gardening, now is the time to plant those seeds!  While working in the garden, let some generous spurts go on yourself to liven things up.  Since urine is rich in nitrogen, you can even use your golden nectar as fertilizer (just remember to dilute it properly).  Learn more about using your own pipi as ferts here at the Rich Earth Institute's website, and buy yourself a nifty little watering can that doubles as a potty here

Springtime is the rainy season, so make the most of those monsoons and use them as cover for a nice pants-soaking.  You can keep an eye on the weather by downloading a weather app & see when storms are predicted in your area, planning little outdoor Omo outings ahead of time.  Throw on a long raincoat to help further conceal your naughty fun.  There's no better feeling than releasing hot pee into your pants as cool rain patters down on your skin.   Who knows?  If you get lucky you might even see a rainbow or two.  🌧 ☔ 🌈

Give your garden some natural fertilizer!

Depending on where you live, you may be able to go morel hunting or berry-picking this season, and both of these activities are absolutely ideal for a pants-soaking adventure.  You're far out in the countryside with no bathrooms and usually by yourself or with only a few other people around, if any.  (Side note:  Never eat mushrooms or berries you find in the wild unless you're experienced in identification).  If you're not fond of these delicacies, you can just "pretend" to hunt for them during the season everyone else is actually doing it.  Then, woopsie: caught out & had an accident.  Or you can make the most of the Springtime winds & fly a kite or go sailing as you leak in your pants or diaper.  Fishing on an overcast Spring day offers the same opportunity whether you stand on the bank or sit in a boat.  πŸ„ 🫐 🎣

Spring cleaning is nobody's favorite chore, but you can help it go by faster with some covert wetting games.  Around here we're all for making boring tasks go by faster with a little golden motivation.  Whether you're cleaning the attic or scraping out the gutters, doing it with a full bladder is the right move.  Drink water or a caffeinated beverage as you work & reward yourself when you complete a task by letting a few spurts go in your pants.   πŸͺ£πŸ§ΌπŸ§½

St. Paddy's Day & Easter are the two main holidays that fall in the Springtime along with Mother's Day, though that last one won't be too ideal for wetting unless you're celebrating a VERY open-minded and awesome Mom who's into the pastime.  But the other two can both lend themselves to wetting if you plan them just right.  Nothing like pissing yourself after a little too much green beer during a pub crawl or free St. Paddy's day concert downtown ("What?  I pissed myself?  Me, as in the dude standing here talking to you right now?  No waaaay, bro!  This is water, maaan!")  or letting a little dribble down your shorts while dying eggs or hiding them in the yard for the annual Easter egg hunt (or have a special "adult" egg hunt with your own naughty rules).  If you're not a drinker, you can always wait until your friends are sloshed & pretend you're drunk.  πŸ€πŸ‡ 🍻

Unknown male soccer player takes sneaky leak on the field

Finally, there are some nifty outdoor team sports played in the Spring, including soccer, baseball, softball & track/field--all of which have been known to catch the occasional athlete in wet and compromising positions on the field.  Many female runners leak when they run, and a lot of male soccer players just don't GAF and piss or wet themselves openly on the field!   ⚽ ⚾ πŸƒπŸ»‍♀

Popular Spring Clothes to Wet:  High-waist & wide-leg trousers, long jean-shorts, cycling shorts, madras, Bermuda shorts, golf skorts, rompers, overalls, jumpsuits, rain pants & Gypsy skirts.

Maybe don't get THIS drunk  πŸ€

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...