Friday, November 29, 2024

Guldkannan Towa: The Watering Can You Pee In

Who knew Sweden was such a progressive urine nation?

Was just reading about old Omo websites and somebody mentioned "Sprinkles Gold," which sent me on a Google search that then led me to this quaint little contraption:  A gardening tool/personal piss toilet called the Guldkannan Towa (Swedish for "Golden Water").  A fun fact about urine is that it makes a great fertilizer in small doses, and it's 100% free and natural.  The only problem is it can be a mess to collect & handle, as it must be diluted and applied to your garden somehow.  It also breaks down and becomes very smelly after a while so it can't really be left in a watering container without causing a stink.

Enter the Guldkannan Towa.  Now there's no need to store old smelly urine in rusty gardening cans, just pop a squat & produce a fresh batch of ferts as needed.  It's designed to be comfy & accommodating like a toilet seat & is literally made to be peed directly into.  See quote after the jump:  

Look Ma, I'm wetting my plants!

From the website:

"Guldkannan Towa looks like a standard watering can, with a few notable exceptions. It has a heart-shaped opening that roughly approximates the contours of a toilet seat, so it’s comfortable to sit on."

Well la-di-frickin'-da!  It's the squatting and pissing in a can that does it for me.   ðŸ«  

Granted, this seems kinda... unnecessary for those of us who are used to making due with whatever tiny, musty container we have handy, but for normies and serious gardeners who prefer to wee in comfort, the Guldkannan Towa makes the perfect addition to any supply shed.  🧑‍🌾

Serious business.

From the website

"A potty"  🫠

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...