Friday, January 31, 2025

Facility-Free February

Captain's bLog, January 187th:

Ever have a bout of luck or stretch of time that's so rotten you decide, fuck it, I'm gonna reward myself with a no-toilet piss pants fest for as long as I can get away with it?  Not a #NoToiletTuesday or even a pants-only weekend, I'm talking a piss-soaked Omo fest that ends when your will to do laundry, mop the floor and/or take out trash bags filled with piss-heavy diapers gives out.  I'm talking temporary incontinence as if you forgot how to use the Big Girl Potty.

Well that's what I'm' thinking of doing very soon.  I've been extremely responsible lately & feel like I deserve it.  I have a few Assurance diapers left over and just cleaned out my washer/dryer, so she's all ready to take on load after stanky load of my pee pants.  I also have plenty of generic No Doz pills, caffeinated soda, plain drinking water & other diuretic type goodies.  Unless an unforeseen emergency pops up I have no pressing things to do next month, so early Feb is gonna be an All About Me, All About PEE Extravaganza.  Why not?  Everyone's in bed with the flu or other ailments, the weather is shit...

I hope those of you that can join me will do so.  I look forward to going in my pants while working on this blog, while masturbating in bed, watching TV, doing everyday chores around the house & anywhere else the urge strikes me.  (For those who don't know: I like to wet in little spurts rather than one big bladder explosion because it's more sensual and lasts longer).   ðŸ’›

To anyone who stumbles on the blog post by accident and says "What the FUCK is wrong with this person," I kindly invite you to fuck off into the next dimension and keep fucking off past the point where it says "Do Not Fuck Off Past This Point".  I'm single, have no kids or other creatures who depend on me, live alone, have wood floors and keep my place smelling like a dream.  I will probably only have these optimal fetish conditions for a limited time so I'm making use of them now.  I may piss my pants instead of the toilet but you probably think swallowing cum or not washing your hands after shitting is A-OK so you can suck my STD-free clit.

(Yeah, I'm in a mood.  Can you tell?  It's been a long month).

Pissing into pants while cooking?  I'm here for it.


  1. I love this idea. I hope you have a lot of fun and let us know how you get on.

    1. Oh thank you, it has been VERY fun! And all-consuming 😄. Working on a final update for the month as I go along, but check out Vols 1-3 to get "caught up" now:


To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...