Monday, January 27, 2025

Losing Control for Real... and Completely

Whoo, so I've been absentmindedly preparing for a gathering and sipping from 2 bottles of Coca-Cola between taking swings from a rapidly flattening Pepsi.  This instead of my usual 3/4ths to 1 gallon of water per day.  Not great for my hydration or urinary health, but here we are.  At the same time I've been spurting around in the same soaked (and I do mean SOAKED) pair of tight leggings since about 10 a.m. which is neither especially hygienic nor great for my urethra.  I tend to get UTIs pretty easily and, whatever.  Boring.

Anyway, just now as I was standing in the bathroom organizing my overnight baggie, I let a spurt go for like the 5,032th time today.  But the urgency at the tip of my peehole was different this time.  I couldn't stop!   I crossed my legs hard and looked down, instantly spotting a sizeable puddle under me as the urine snaked down my crossed thighs.  Damn, first time THAT'S happened.  I usually only spurt without actually making a mess on my (wood) floors.  Not that it was a big deal in terms of cleanup, but still a bit surprising.

I grabbed my pussy to dam up the flood and rushed to finish packing the bag before hobbling to the bedroom and frantically kicking a bunch of dirty laundry off my (used) piss mat.  As I did, hot pee trickled into my cupped right hand which I ended up rubbing back on my crotch through my tight pants, partly as a means to try and soak it up before it spilled all over the floor. 

Fuck!  Still leaking! 

Outer layer:  Drenched

I slid the mat toward me with my big toe just in time to kneel on it with a fuzzy blanket bunched up under me to catch my accident.  WOW I really had to go and was having trouble slowing down or stopping!  This was not like me.  My grey tights and grey blanket were both several shades darker and had a distinctive smell before I was even done.  All I could do was sigh and moan as I finished emptying my bladder... or maybe my bladder finished emptying ME.  Either way, this was so out of character compared to how I usually do things... 

Maybe it was all the soda (it is pretty acidic and does irritate my urethra)... maybe the soppy pants I wore all day.  Perhaps both are starting to give me the beginnings of a UTI.  (I have antibiotics in the fridge and D-mannose aplenty so no worries).  Whatever it was, it's been ages since I lost control like that.  I must admit it felt pretty good and was a bit exciting though I hope it doesn't happen outside my home.  Better drink up (water, not dumb soda) before I head out tomorrow.

Under layer:  flooded

Edit 11:26 p.m:  While hanging up tomorrow's outfit & plugging my phone into the charger, it happened AGAIN!  This time it was so forceful and unstoppable I actually stood over the open toilet and just pissed through my panties and (different) shorts.  The video shows a little of how fast it happened--I barely had time to hit 'record' and had already leaked big time by then.  Off to have a wank before bed now. Ta-ta.    👋🏼

Vid of final accident of the night

"Me" tryna figure out W H Y.  (Not me IRL) 


  1. Did you manage to stay dry the day after?

    1. YES thankfully. 🙏 I guess it really was the soda because I was able to correct it with lots of water and supplements. Coffee & pop are too acidic and it irritates my bladder in a way that goes beyond the diuretic effect when I overdo it, lol. I'm one of those "get a UTI at the drop of a hat" people who has to guzzle a gallon of water daily, but.... guess that also comes in handy where this pastime is concerned. 😉


To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...