Monday, June 24, 2024

All-Night Piss Party in Cotton Shorts

After a long bout of fatigue, bad weather, & other derailments, I was long overdue for an all-night wetting extravaganza.  So I broke out my buzzing toy, my incontinence mat, & my fave wetting pants and spread them all out on the living room floor on a Thursday night.  And I used my secret ingredient:  clotrimazole, which makes me pee urgently & voluminously.  

I put the TV on Hulu auto play & got busy assembling my playlist of Omo porn vids, some of which I included in my "Fave Finds" series.  After answering some pee-related questions on Quora, I popped a squat on the living room floor with my blue cotton shorts and blue panties on and my laptop on my lap.  I was desperate but wanted to push it even further, so I put my vibrating egg toy in my panties to REALLY drive my bladder wild.  This little gadget primes me for the best orgasms ever when used before masturbation and wetting. 

After watching naughty vids until that familiar warm tingly sensation in my pussy was too much to handle, I removed the vibe & released some pressure in my panties.  At first just a trickle but it felt SO GOOD it wasn't long until the spurts got longer.  I decided to lean back against the couch and let it run backward as I let go, really soaking my backside.  Then I propped myself up on my knees and feet a few inches above the floor so I could see my stream.  I wasn't disappointed:  It was nice and hissy as it sprayed the mat below.  I squatted deep & pulled my soaked panties to the side while letting the rest soak the towel & mat under my ass.   

I pretended my crush was rubbing me, knowing I was about to burst and I couldn't get her to stop despite multiple warnings.  So the inevitable happened:

[click pics to make big]

Wet cameltoe action.

Same thing on the bottom layer.  :p

Back side of shorts.  

That's a lotta wet blue cotton. 

For Round 2 I tanked up on more water & prepared by finishing up my nightly chores--brushing teeth, straightening the living room & blowing out candles.  But my bladder had other ideas.  As I rounded the corner to the bathroom I got an urgent need to pee & gasped sharply, causing a few drops to leak out into my pants.  I was having an actual accident!  I grabbed my wetting mat & camera and just decided to give in to the urge on the floor outside the bathroom so I wouldn't be so desperate I couldn't focus.  I don't like being in pain from desperation and I was already leaking anyway.  Here's a short clip of that:

I then picked up my mat and towels & piled in bed, now lying on my side in the "clamshell" position.  As you can see I chose the orange cotton shorts to piss in this time.  I continued guzzling water as I put more vids in a playlist on Pornhub & Motherless.  But it wasn't long before my bladder was ready to pop again, so rather than hold to the point of pain I began rubbing myself through my shorts & releasing the pressure as gradually & gently as possible, though the clotrimazole was def kicking in by now.  It irritates my bladder to such a degree it's hard to describe.  The hissing sound of forceful piss in my pants was too much to bear; I almost came hands-free right there.

With at least half a bladder's worth of piss left in me + some very wet orange shorts, I turned over on my back, laptop on my stomach to finish.  I tried my level best to watch a few piss vids first but started leaking on myself, hot pee running all down my ass crack.  I imagined a desperation scenario in which I needed the bathroom but it was occupied--shut & locked--and the one down the hall was out of order for repairs, so I had no choice but to wet myself next to my crush (who of course wasn't present but hey.  A girl can dream).  What a panicky scenario that would be.  What would I do?  Where could I go BUT my pants?  Would I try to hold myself to stop the flow or just let the inevitable happen?  If I held myself, would it feels so good I would start rubbing & cum in front of her?  That's what was happening right now as I let out a giant flood of urine in my bed through my panties, my fingers sliding in and out of myself and making the remaining pee spray out wildly like a hose.  Of course I imagined her fingering me.   As I felt the end nearing I pulled the piss mat up around my ass and legs and just soaked it completely, cumming like the world about to end.  

Afterward I was so exhausted, turned on & soaked I could do nothing but lie there in my puddle and pissy pants, pussy throbbing.  I did this for about 20 minutes until I could gather my strength   As usual I hoped I hadn't soaked the mattress but it was looking quite possible with how much I peed and how hard I came.  The damage to my pants was immediately visible:




Luckily my bed/mattress stayed dry this time around, but my incontinence mat and towels are completely saturated.  Hopefully I don't need to go again while sleeping or I'll have to go to the toilet.  The sun's coming up now so I guess I'll retire.  Hope you enjoyed this half as much as I did.  

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Summertime Wetting Activities & Experiences

Summer's here!  🌤  The Omo forums are abuzz with talk of "wetting season," something I'd honestly never thought about before.  I know, I know.  A lifelong pee fetishist who doesn't even know what "wetting season" is?  Blasphemy!  Apparently many pee fans have a preference for this time of year because the weather encourages outdoor activity in scantily-clad clothes near bodies of water, making it easier to wet or try & spot desperate peeps in the wild.  Sounds straightforward, right?  Totally flew past this little pissblogger's cranium all these years.  Whoosh.  🌬

Come on in, the water's fine!

There are SO many fun outdoor places to dampen your denims in the Summer months, the benefit being that no mess is made indoors for others (or yourself) to clean up.  This is doubly exciting if you're a public wetting fan who enjoys the thrill of possibly getting caught.  Let's start with everyone's favorite Summertime gathering spot:  bodies of water.  Swimming pools, ponds, lakes, rivers & beaches from coast to coast provide ideal cover for casual soaking your trunks & bikini bottoms, while water parks offer more adrenaline-pumping options for H20 lovers with their rides & slides.  Feeling extra bold?  Attempt to sneakily saturate yourself in light grey cotton(!) shorts while having a water balloon fight or stomping around in a splash pad.  You can also be spontaneous and make the most of a Summer monsoon or gallop through a sprinkler at full tilt as your wild urine stream splashes & sprays everything inside your britches.  Mmmm.  Nothing like that cold-water-meets-warm-pee sensation.  🫠

If you're more "turf" than "surf," don't despair--there's plenty of wet fun for you landlubbers too.  Among the most popular landlocked outdoor activities in the Summer months are hiking, bike riding, rock-climbing and camping.   Any one of these could provide the perfect naughty setting for a desperate outdoor wetting if timed right.  Just make sure to wait until sundown & bring PLENTY of cold beverages to avoid overheating/dehydration if you live somewhere dangerously hot.  If you have a garden or outdoor plants at home, try letting out little spurts while tending to them to make it more interesting. 

Planning a romantic date with your Omo-friendly sweetie?  Take him or her on a meadow picnic, bring plenty of hydration & let go together on your way home.  You can even fly a kite while pissing yourself if you wear the right clothes!  (Black Spandex tights, a loose frilly skirts with cotton panties, etc).  Golf (and miniature golf if the course is free of kids) are other potentially interesting Omo settings:  you can always blame the wet patch on being stranded on the umpteenth hole, too far from the bathroom & too focused on your swing to make it back in time.  Woopsie. 

Wetting in a hotel can be fun, just be more stealthy than this gal.  

Summertime is the right time for road trips to nearby or faraway destinations you've always wanted to visit.  Whether you go alone or take a friend, you can maximize the fun by finding creative ways to wet in the car, the hotel, by the pool or hot tub & other stops along the way.  There are no shortage of outdoor concerts and festivals in the Summer months, including Bonnaroo, Lollapalooza, Glastonbury, Electric Daisy Carnival & Summerfest.  These events tend to be PACKED which means 2 things--the "restrooms" are filthy Port-a-Potty facilities, and they tend to be in very short supply.  (Unfortunately so is the water so be sure to smuggle in some of your own).  Ideal wetting scenario. 

You can even spice up your Summertime chores by doing them with a full bladder.  Hate mowing the lawn?  Ugh, who doesn't!  Might go a little faster if you do it while playing a holding/wetting game with yourself.  Ditto cleaning out the gutters, washing the car (at "outdoor" manual car washes) & cleaning up after 4th of July gatherings.  Which, by the way, can be a whole pee-pee party unto themselves if done right!  Those lawn chairs are ideal for stealthy soaking in the grass after the sun has gone down.  Just sayin'.  

Now that I've given it some thought, there are endless innocent, creative ways to enjoy Summer with an Omo twist.  I'd like to try this for every season, as I can think of some equally cool ideas for the other 3 quarters of the year.  I'd love to hear what YOU think are some awesome places & Summer-specific settings to wet in.  What's your favorite actual Summer wetting memory?  Since you guys rarely respond I'll leave some of mine that stick out:

- My mom wetting her shorts at her friend's house when I was very young.  She did it while sitting in a lawn chair near the edge of the pool and made sure we all saw.

- Wetting and showering with my 'pee friend' when I was (MUCH) younger. 

- Peeing in every pool or body of water I ever swam in (and still continuing this legacy today).

As for a theoretical fantasy scenario, I think it'd be suuuper exciting to see someone have a real wetting accident at a 4th of July BBQ or while riding in a car show/parade as the whole town looked on!  😯  💛 

Now THAT'S how you get some mileage out of your summer shorts!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Floodgaytes' Favorite Finds, Vol. 3

Wow, is it that time already?  As promised, here's Part 3 to my Hottest Pissvids of All Time.  Think I've really outdone myself this time but I'm a little biased.  These vids are curated from multiple sites after hours of porn viewing (you're welcome!) & include only the finest, most decadent desperation & wetting the web has to offer.  With that, enjoy!

Floodgaytes' Fave Finds, Vol. 3

Exercising woman does squats until she loses control.  Each squat is a surprise: will she spurt this time?
Woman wets her shorts on a wooden chair in her room.  Super sexy POV angle.  

Girl pisses a river waiting on bathroom to open up. Friend records it. "Funny" tone but girl clearly enjoys it.
Fit girl wets her botttoms layer by layer in bedroom while moaning hotly.
Bicyclist has a public accident, spurting while talking about her desperation.  Finishes big in her backyard.

Classic car wetting.  Driver says "I'm just gonna pee in my pants. I'm peein'." and floods car seat.  🤤
Big-breasted queen soaks grey panties while perched on back of closed toilet.
The bladder, the woman, the legend.  Wetlinda in her most public role: mall toilet wetter.  Behold.
(Very) desperate gradual wetting in black panties on balcony.  Hot hot hot.
Girl from Vol. 2 bus wetting vid drenches white jeans on same bus!
Lady fucking SOAKS her carpet for an eternity through cargo pants.  Orgasmic.
Blonde w/ perfect bod wanks, wets & cums in grey yoga pants outdoors.
Another super vintage vid, this time from Patches.  Girl soaks shorts in backyard fearing neighbors can see.
Woman appears to piss her pantyhose and skirt in a doctor's waiting room chair. Long pee & great angles.
"I can't stop.  I still have to pee so much" = some of the dialogue here.  Blazing hot.  🔥

That's it for this edition of Floodgaytes' Faves!  Make sure to download these gems to your device if you enjoy them, as they can easily be removed by their owners or the site's hosts (and a few from previous Volumes have been).  Always a shame when that happens.  Let me know which ones are your faves in the comment section and stay tuned for Volume 4!  

Stay comfortably damp, friends......   

Friday, June 14, 2024

On A More Serious Note:

This question is entirely rhetorical for the "too embarrassed to ask for a bathroom break so I wet myself" people, of which I see a surprising number in the Omo community.  Feel free to answer it here if you like, but I'm asking it more to prompt internal thought than anything.

I say this as one of the shyest people I've ever known.  Painfully, embarrassingly shy.  Barely functional in the real world:  What sense does it make to hold your pee until you're in danger of having an accident because you're too embarrassed to speak up and tell your crew you need a bathroom break?  Everybody pees--it's a common, multiple-times-per-day event.  There would be something wrong with you if you DIDN'T, yet I constantly see "I wet myself because I waited too long after being afraid to speak up and tell my friends and/or family I needed to pee.  I didn't want to interrupt the fun / was too embarrassed to say I needed the bathroom / didn't want to be an inconvenience."  


Wait, I take it back.  It's not entirely true that I don't understand:  I never used the public toilets once in my 7 years of K-6 elementary school because I didn't want to walk to the front of the class and ask the teacher for a bathroom break or blurt out that I needed to go, but that's a tad different.  #1, doing so would've drawn the attention of the entire CLASS of heathens.  For a kid who said maybe 30 words per day in school total, that was unacceptable.  Secondly, I was a child and didn't grasp the risks of holding it all day and finally, I never had an accident as a result of my extreme holding (though there was one close call in kindergarten).  But I can't imagine doing this as an adult now that I understand the health dangers of holding to the point of an accident.  The discomfort and distraction alone are not worth it, but throw in the bladder/kidney damage & the fact that using the bathroom is a perfectly natural, if inconvenient event and, well... speaking up beats the hell out of the alternative.  It made perfect sense in my 5-12 year-old mind that was concerned mostly with proving everything my mom said wrong though.  ("See Mom, you said I would get a kidney infection and DIE if I never used the bathroom and I'm still alive!")  🤦🏻‍♀

This is not meant to criticize or judge anyone.  Far from it.  I'm just trying to understand how so many people get in these situations.  It concerns me that so many folks--a majority adult women from the looks of it--find it easier to ignore & suppress their basic bodily functions than risk inconveniencing someone.  Needs should always Trump convenience or comfort.  Read that again.  I'm sure you all have your reasons (and potential horror stories to back them up), I just hope you'll examine this behavior even if it takes the help of a professional & put some work in to overcome it because you deserve to live a healthy, comfortable life in which you can heed your body's calls like everybody else.  It's kinda the bare minimum. 

If you're this uncomfortable speaking up about a basic daily need to friends and family, what other things aren't you advocating for yourself about in your life?  It's easy to brush it aside as "oh I've always been squeamish about bathroom talk" but asking to use the bathroom isn't quite the same as, say, dirty toilet humor.  Is this symptomatic of a bigger problem with assertiveness?  And might it be contributing to the greater societal issue of medical professionals, bosses and others in powerful positions not taking women's health complaints & basic needs seriously in whatever tiny, insignificant way?

If this resonates I'm glad you got something out of it.  If not, discard it and ignore.  Ain't nobody trying to play Dr. Phil or Dr. Joyce in here.  Now go PEE before you have another accident, silly goose!  💛 🚽🏃🏻‍♀

Public accidents are cool and all... when you intend to have them.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Convenience Carpet - the Accidentally Hot Parody

So it seems I'm not the only one who's had the idea of a nifty "convenience corner," even if the makers of this video are suggesting it in jest. 

Introducing The Convenience Carpet, an innovative device that lets you relieve yourself anytime, anywhere.  Giving a big presentation & don't want your nervous bladder interrupting?  The Convenience Carpet's got you covered.  Just step aside & do as you would in a bathroom, letting 'er rip right there on the little square.  Ahhh, sweet relief!  No more extraneous steps to the lavatory throughout the day--just drain the snake in the same room you eat, sleep or make love in. 

The Convenience Carpet:  If it's good enough for Fido, it's good enough for you!®

(I could actually see some hard-assed boss or CEO handing these out around the office to increase productivity.  Kinda surprised it hasn't come to this yet, honestly.  Probably shouldn't give them any ideas here).

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...