Sunday, May 19, 2024

Living the Omo Life Openly: A Casual Wetting Fantasy

Woman casually pees her chair while on the computer.

Imagine being the kind of Omo enthusiast who lived the life 24/7, 365 days a year.  Your close friends and loved ones just accepted that wetting was a daily part of your life like eating or sleeping, and they knew that when you got that distant look in your eye that you were filling your diaper or undies with warm pee & to wait until you finished if they wanted your undivided attention.  You still get a sexual thrill out of it but it's so ingrained in your life that it's not disruptive.  You simply use your pants rather than the toilet to relieve yourself, getting up to sop up your mess & change into dry clothes whenever you get around to it.  

Sure, you do a ton of laundry and have countless puppy pads/wet towels/mattress protectors strewn about the house, but it's a small price to pay for your freedom & bladder health.  The benefits are numerous:  You get up less often in the middle of serious work projects, chores, movies, a good night's sleep, video games & other immersive tasks to empty your bladder than anyone you know.  Your life is not nearly as controlled by nature's call as theirs; in fact you wonder how many hours the average person spends "just running to the bathroom right quick" if you added them up & placed them end to end.  

Likewise, how often do people dehydrate themselves because a bathroom is not handy, or because they simply don't want to get up and go?  How often do they hold it "just a little bit longer" than they should?  What effect does this have on one's urinary tract health over a lifetime?  Surely it can't be good.  The high incontinence rates in this country speak to that.   You, on the other hand, go out of your way to stay hydrated to avoid having yellow smelly pee and because you can pee anytime, anywhere.  How many contagious illnesses are caught in dirty public restrooms?  How much toilet paper is used, how many flushes, how many dollars spent?

When you look at it like that, it's surprising more people haven't adopted this lifestyle simply out of convenience, if not for health reasons too.  Especially when you consider the popularity of fast food (unhealthy) & other convenience items in this fast-paced capitalist society.  Wetting is both convenient AND healthier than holding it or dehydrating yourself, the only downside being the social stigma.  And you'll never have to worry about getting ticketed or put on the sex offender registry for public urination, which is illegal in all 50 states.  You just go when the need arises, no exposing yourself necessary.

You'll wee your pants in bed, while watching Netflix on the couch, while doing chores like dishes or laundry, driving uptown to run errands, while exercising, mowing the lawn or tending the garden.  A few of your friends have expressed interest in your hobby but none has tried it yet, not to your knowledge anyway.  You're quick to clean up your messes and only wet YOUR car & house, which you take great pains to keep smelling fresh.  In public you strap on an adult diaper much of the time to avoid public bathrooms though you're not an ABDL by any means.  It's all casual and about convenience, though you can't deny that warmth feels GREAT on your skin.  

Maybe you've designated a special "bathroom" corner in each room for wetting to keep the mess contained to a small area.  Think puppy pads and incontinence mats in a dark corner.  Whenever the urge arises, you step over into the bathroom corner, squat and wet.  Then you just fold up the wet mats and dispose of them or throw them in the washing machine.  Or perhaps you step out on the balcony to wet yourself like some gassy people do to fart so as to avoid making a mess in your house.  But you rarely take your pants down, at least not at home.  Your toilets are only for #2.

Have people shown disapproval or disgust of your lifestyle in the past?  Sure.  It's not every day you see a continent adult choose to use their pants for urination.  But those people are free to find other friends/partners.  You're not holding anyone at gunpoint.  It's actually turned out to be a good way to weed out fairweather friends who only like you for superficial reasons, leaving behind those who love you for YOU.  Some friends think it's funny, some find it awkward & overlook it altogether, some don't understand but are supportive.  Most of them rarely bring it up.  All of them know that if they're going to your house, they should expect to see wet pants & puddles.  It really isn't much different than expecting to see a litter box & cat toys at a cat owner's house or guns/ammo at a gun nut's home.  

Any of my readers ever achieved this level of pee freedom?  What would it mean to you to be able to wet yourself anytime, anywhere without judgment?  Do you ever casually wet--that is, wet yourself purely for convenience--when you're alone?

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...