Wednesday, February 5, 2025

"Safer" Public Places to Wet

Making messes by wetting yourself in public is a controversial move.  I've certainly never done it IRL but plenty of people do, and it's quite hot to think about.  Some Omorashi fans are dead set against it for moral reasons, and I totally get that.  But are there some public places where it's more reasonable to wet oneself than others? 

I can think of a couple that would NOT be acceptable--grocery stores & childrens' playgrounds for instance.  The reasons should be obvious:  food is sold/served in the former and the presence of children is a main feature in the latter.  Indoor restaurants, fancy museums & events like weddings would be some other examples of places it would be highly disrespectful and NOT okay to intentionally pee yourself without protection.

If one were to list some places where public wetting might be more understandable, what features would they share?  What makes a setting more or less acceptable to have an accident in, aside from the "public/mess" factors?  For me, proximity to an open bathroom is an obvious one.  Drinks served is another; privacy (for the wetter) is another.  Here are some public places I can see a more discreet, reasonable person having an accident or maybe intentionally going a little bit in their pants.....

Movie theater - It's dark and disorienting, freezing cold, large sodas are served & bathrooms can be hard to find after an hour or so of sitting in the dark.  Plus, people may not want to leave & miss important parts of the movie.  The seats are so fluffy and absorbent.  What if you just... right where you sat?  Just make sure to pay with cash & cover your rear when exiting the theater.  

Outdoor greenhouse section of stores; plant stores - These humid little dome-shaped setups where seedlings and small trees are sold make nice pipi spots because you wouldn't be making a mess for anyone to clean up.  Just beware of your surroundings and make sure not to do it in front of senior citizens or minors if possible.

Public transport
- Buses, trams & other public transport don't generally have toilets, so it's easy to see how a long ride could turn into a battle with the bladder.  As with movie theater seats, bus seats are often cushy & absorbent, which can make it tempting to use them as a toilet.  Just sit near the back where your pee stream won't be as noticeable.  

Bars, clubs & pubs - It's night time (aka dark), everyone's shitfaced drunk (impaired and on a diuretic) and the bathroom lines are often long af.  No kids in the vicinity.  It'd be so EASY to piss yourself & blame the booze, claiming not to even remember it the next day.

Water parks, amusement parks & trampoline parks - Everyone's having a blast, the lines for rides are hella long and restrooms are in short supply.  Nobody wants to give up their hard-earned spot in line... maybe you could just spurt in your pants instead?  Water parks offer an easy cover--water--while amusement park rides like roller coasters offer the "I was scared!" excuse.  If you're female you can let 'er rip at a trampoline park under the guise of genuine incontinence.  

Football, baseball or other stadium/outdoor games - It's loud, chaotic, cold (or perhaps ungodly hot) and the crowd is booming for the home team.  You've just drunk a shit-ton of booze and/or soda and the toilets feel like they're miles away (and have lines at least that long).  Would it really be so awful to just GO where you sit and let the wind or hot air dry you off?

The Zoo - The presence of kids is a major downside, but if you went on a weekday & wore the right stealthy clothing you could get by with it.  Most of the zoo is outdoors, which means no mess for anyone to clean, and the lack of close bathrooms would be a great excuse.  Carry a giant drink with you and bingo bango--the perfect alibi.  If it happens at the aquatic show, maybe you could even cover it by getting splashed.  Legend has it that Mac DeMarco pissed himself onstage at a concert at the Portland Zoo in 2017.

Casinos - In addition to gambling addicts who just - GO - in their pants while sitting at slot machines, casinos are often dark, smoky & full of drunken revelers.  The atmosphere is laid back enough that you're unlikely to draw a lot of unwanted attention or get in major trouble for covertly pissing yourself if done in a low-key way.  (Note:  In Nevada it's a crime to pee on a casino floor, so don't get caught).

Escape Room - This is one of those places where one could legitimately lose control if they weren't able to get out in time.  What could anyone do about it?  You were trapped in a closed room with no toilet!  You were nervous!  There were cameras!  

Gas stations/car washes - This is a relatively low-risk option:  it's outdoors & you can do it while pumping gas or washing at a DIY hose-style carwash, then jump right in your car & leave the scene of the crime!  Just make sure to protect your car seat.

Vineyard/Wine Tasting Tour - You're out in the fields away from the Ladies' or Gents' facilities, you're full of vino... you do the math.

A Korean Spa - You're wearing a long heavy robe (or maybe something skimpier).  It's hot, you're sweaty & moving from room to room, maybe getting in an infrared sauna and then a hot tub and then a giant tub of hot clay balls.  Surely you could let a little pee go without making a scene?  (For those who think this is too unhygienic, be informed that these spas have been found to contain all manner of pathogens ranging from HIV and hepatitis to Legionnaire's disease, and urine is no more "dirty" than sweat or saliva, both of which are likely all over these facilities.  Along with God knows what other bodily fluids if the truth was known).

Some of the places I see people reporting that they do wet themselves, such as Wal-Mart & other highly-populated stores with cameras everywhere, are among the LAST places I'd recommend trying this already-risky act.  Also be aware that a good portion of first-person stories on this subject are flat-out lies or exaggerations--people turning fictional fantasies into "I really did this" stories for attention.  Proceed with caution.  Always think in terms of worst-case scenarios ("what if I did get caught by the venue owners?") & have a Plan A, B & C.

And always take basic precautions like choosing stealthy fabrics & colors to hide your wet spot.  Here's a lil' refresher on low-key public wetting if you need it.

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...