Monday, February 3, 2025

First Public Wetting in a Department Store - One Man's Account

Man soaks jeans on a mall bench.

(*Photos are taken from various sources around the web & do not belong to the author of the story below)

Here's an excerpt about a man's first public wetting inside a department store.  The full account can be read here.  Just found it well-written and somewhat inspiring for those who may be considering doing the deed in public:

"There was a large department store that I would sometimes go to, about an hour away. In many ways, stores like these were attractive. They were big, filled with throngs of people I didn't know. They also stirred up childhood memories. I remembered being taken to stores like these by the adults in my life when I was very small. I would trundle behind my shopping cart, idly looking at merchandise, sometimes placing things inside. In the back of my head, I would daydream back to those difficult potty training years of my youth, remembering what it was like to be pre-continent and much more accident-prone than I was now.

Man squats to check lower shelf, springs major leak.  💦

Flushed with anxiety and excitement, I got down on my knees in front of that shelf, to pretend like I was examining the items on the lower shelf. Leaning to leer over a box. Moving it aside to read the details on the side.  My bladder welled up, ready to release. I pushed a little, feeling a fresh dribble re-warm my damp underwear.

Harder. I had to push through the anxiety. Harder. I felt a slow trickle beginning to run into my underwear and down one thigh.


Floodgates opening. A hot, wet surge spraying into my jeans with a loud hissing whizz. The beginning of relief. A birth of terror.

My vision swims. I feel warm all over.

That's it, don't stop now...

HARDER. I see a puddle beginning to form out of the corner of my eye, on the tile below me. I pretend not to see it.

I pushed hard, and did not stop. It was about twelve full seconds, until my bladder was completely empty. But it felt like an eternity.

I just pissed my pants.

Cautiously, I got to my feet and gazed at the puddle I'd left, flushed with embarrassment. I felt lightheaded. I'm honestly surprised I didn't faint.

My pants were utterly drenched. Glistening like before under the harsh fluorescent light. There was -no- mistaking this. I had undeniably and unmistakably just flooded myself. I was dumbstruck. I could still hear other shoppers in aisles nearby. I didn't know what else to do, but I didn't want anyone to slip on the puddle I'd created, so I rolled my cart over it...and left it there, wandering to another aisle, away from the direction of the shoppers I could hear. Whenever I saw somebody heading in my direction, I turned and 'browsed' down another way.

Fidgeting with the hem of my shirt, I sauntered past. I walked past at least thirty people between the store and my car. Store employees. Families clustered around shopping carts. Singlets and pairs. Groups of friends talking to each other. I walked RIGHT past them, in some cases mere inches away, looking at the floor right in front of me as I passed through the entrance to the parking lot, no eye contact, ears pricked on high alert, waiting for somebody to say something.

...No one did.

Undoubtedly, someone had seen me. I refuse to believe they hadn't. And yet – there was no confrontation. No comment that I could hear. I got, completely undisturbed, into my car and drove back to my apartment."

🫠 🫠 🫠

While I enjoyed this account, I would never have the guts to pee myself in a store like this.  Too many people and cameras.  But I definitely appreciate the stories of those who have the bravery to do so & share their stories with us.

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

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