Sunday, February 2, 2025

Me Time, Pee Time Vol 1.


Captain's bLog, February 1:  

As promised I've been on a pants wetting tear, using my toilet only for #2 & flushing random foodstuffs that shouldn't go in the sink.  I still have several Assurance diapers left but have a hankerin' for pants pissing and that's exactly what I'm doing, laundry be damned.

I've been putting on a new pair of panties and pants every time I empty my bladder, which makes for a lot of washing.  The other morning before falling asleep, I wet so hard I could see little sprinkles coming through my black tights as I lay in bed on my piss mat!  The sound alone from that type of loud, desperate pissing in pants is enough to make me cum, and boy did I ever.  I was watching an Outdoorwetgirl vid when I finally lost it.  I've managed not to play with myself every time I wet, instead channeling that energy toward finding more pee porn, blogging, doing laundry or otherwise preoccupying myself with pissy things besides peegasm, but it's not easy.  I have this endless appetite to find the dirtiest stories or porn, but it seems I've already seen most of it.  C'mon, internet!  Don't crap out on me now!  🤞🏼

I just finished pissing through tights into a towel on the living room floor & am lying nude from the waist down on my bed contemplating whether I wanna get groceries today or wait another day.  Ahh fuck it, I'll wait.  Today will be another shut-in pissfest.  We'll worry about errands & chores tomorrow.

Until next time, Omorashi fiends.

Some blue "bikini-style" panties I soaked while chilling on the floor.

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...