Monday, January 6, 2025

They Peed Their Pants in Public.... and AREN'T Ashamed!

Just a quick article on the current state of shame in the general non-Omo community where wetting is concerned.  It's always encouraging (okay, and hot) to see stories, discussions or videos in which people report public incidents where they peed themselves and just went about their day, unashamed.  That's the ultimate goal of this blog, remember?  To kill stigma and normalize pants wetting.  Not in a way that exposes unwilling participants to a fetish or destroys property, but by taking the shame out of a common everyday occurrence, making it just another inconvenient thing that happens... sort of like stepping in dog doo or getting a rumbly tummy in a quiet room due to hunger pangs when lunch is still an hour away.   🍱  🕴

Without further Ado, here are a few stories from around the 'web in which people publicly pissed their pants and just kept their heads up.  A few even propose normalizing pants wetting in public.  We salute you!   🙇🏻‍♀  🫡

Keep normalizing and one day this will be "the norm".  🫠

Sober woman wets herself at front desk with a smile!

Woman wears leather to convenience-wet in public

Fishermen discuss whether it's OK to pee your pants while fishing (answer: yes)

Seattle mom wets self due to lack of bathrooms; is not ashamed.

Blogger pees pants on plane; turns it into a testimony.

Incomplete paraplegic wets on 1st date; no shame - accidents happen!

Confident woman pees herself at trampoline park & laughs it off.

Music fan chooses wet pants over missing fave band (Tycho).

Man makes a case for why he should be able to piss in movie theater seat.

10 reasons this diver says you should PROUDLY piddle your wetsuit!

Desperate zoo trip leaves one mom pissing in a bottle while driving.

As you can see, there are a variety of stories and motives behind the pant-pissing and lack of shame here, with some of the authors deliberately wetting in public and others simply not caring about their accidents after the fact, making the best of a less-than-optimal situation.  Either way, we're definitely glad to see the progressive attitudes toward this 100% normal human bodily function.  There are no shortage of things to feel bad about in life--a little pee (or even a lot of pee) is not among them. 💦

I'll leave you with a few more examples from around the 'net:   

Enjoyed Tena pants so much she converted a friend! 

It's true:  shame should be reserved for deliberate evil acts.

Another incontinence patient unashamed to be wet in public.

Ever had a genuine wetting accident in public?  How did you handle it?  How did the people around you react?  

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...