Thursday, January 9, 2025

Stop Moralizing Urine

Morals and ethics have a vital place in the fetish/kink world.  Clear communication, respecting boundaries, insisting on enthusiastic consent... these things are an absolute non-negotiable requirement & come before anyone's pleasure.  But that's not what this article is about.  

In my reading/research for this blog, I come across so many frantic pee-related articles 'shoulding' on people, exaggerating the health or environmental risks of pee/wetting for reasons that are obviously personal & have nothing to do with actual risk.  I find this offensive, especially when the tripe is coming from otherwise credible sources like medical experts or media organizations like the BBC.  Here are just a few examples I've come across recently:

(Click to enlarge)

Why?  And just how do you propose we enforce that, BBC?

All the ways you shouldn't pee. Because reasons. Note their furrowed brows & looks of panic.

Another Reddit community banned for bogus reasons.


Scaring people about their pee color is not helpful, Mr. Dr. Man.  Health anxiety sucks.

You get the point.  While there may be grains of truth in some of these articles or videos, it's the overblown concern & heavy handed anti-pee actions like online bans & IRL legal action that are offensive and harmful.  Yeah, you shouldn't make it a point to always drink so much water that your pee is crystal clear, but if it happens occasionally it's not a huge deal.  Source:  my pee is almost always clear at my urine tests & the results are always great.  No infection, electrolyte imbalance or other concerns, and I've never had a seizure or died.  Ideally your urine should be a light yellow ("straw-colored") but you really shouldn't obsess or stress over it either. 

And the 'don't wee in the sea' ordinance is beyond ridiculous considering all the poison humans have dumped there in our short time on this planet--the plastics and pollution making large fish inedible due to mercury content.  Then there's the catastrophic effects of climate change on our waterways & oceans, causing mass bleaching and die-off of the Great Barrier Reef.  Never mind the stupid piss law is literally un-enforceable unless someone whips it out in a drunken stupor, which nobody does when they pee in the sea.  No, let's focus on controlling the every move of The People, quibbling over a few drops of watered down human waste in a literal sea of salt, brine, boiling H2O, animal waste, poisonous pollution & God knows what else.

All this moralizing & handwringing about urine habits tells me one thing:  we've still got a long way to go in the destigmatization department.  When our experts can't even discuss the subject without either cracking a smile, making 50 immature pee jokes or freaking out about things like pissing in the shower, which probably 90% of the people I've ever known, male or female, have openly admitted to doing with no ill effects, that's a sign that pee isn't the problem--their prudish attitudes are.  In fact men might piss in the shower slightly more often than women, yet we're the ones with insane rates of incontinence (75% of women over 65 are incontinent to some degree compared to only 8.3% of men in that age group).  Clearly something else is to blame, but what oh WHAT could it be? 

We'll get to that in a minute, but first take a look at Exhibit C...  Or D.  Or whatever we're on now:

5,000 gallons of water is no drop in the bucket, lady.

The language used in this article--"destroys your pelvic floor," "not very hygienic"--is fear-based propaganda, not scientifically sound unemotional information.  Just say you have a pee phobia and move on.  Urine is no less "hygienic" than tears or saliva, which I assume you've released on yourself in the bath or shower at some point while crying about your asshole boyfriend or evil boss.  As long as you don't consume urine orally or get it in open wounds or your eyes, there's no risk to health.  None, nada, zilch.  No disease transmission risk, no destruction of your body or bath tub when it touches either of those surfaces.  Not even a smell is left behind when peeing in the shower because it goes right down the drain and is washed off your body immediately by the running water and any soap/body wash you may use.  Hell, pissing in the shower is probably MORE hygienic than using a toilet that countless other asses have sat on and then pushing waste around on yourself with toilet paper.  

But I digress.

You wanna know what actually "destroys" your pelvic floor?  Pregnancy & childbirth.  Botched episiotomies and abdominal surgeries.  Terrible posture & constant sitting/sedentary lifestyles.  Obesity. Menopause takes it's toll as well.  Holding your urine is probably not great for it over time, nor is severe constipation.  But taking a leak in the shower is the absolute least of anyone's worries.  They're making a weird assumption that shower-pissers are forcing themselves to pee there when they don't really need to go which is NOT the case, at least not for me.  (I tend to shower a few hours after waking up and will often wait to do my 1st pee of the day in the shower.  I never push my urine out or force myself to go "just because"). 

And the running water association is weak at best.  Everybody with continence issues has different triggers--should people with urge incontinence just not unlock their front doors because it makes them lose control?  Swear off toilets because the sight of them makes them start peeing?  As a lifelong shower/pool pee'er (yes, I piss in the pool and every other source of water when in a bathing suit--cope), I've never had problems holding it around the sound of water even when desperate.  In fact I've never had a single wetting accident IN MY LIFE for any reason.  I know this is all anecdotal but dammit, I'm tired of my lived experience not counting for shit while the emotionally-charged opinions of random people in scrubs are used to bully & scare people.

Nobody's forcing YOU to piss in the shower, the sea or anywhere else for that matter.  But that courtesy should be extended back to others who may prefer to do their business there.  If you want to direct that energy somewhere useful, try focusing on shower shitters, who comprise approximately 1 in 30 people... and that's just the ones willing to fess up to it.  Feces are full of dangerous bacteria, transmit viruses like norovirus, rotavirus & Hepatitis and--unlike urine--do NOT wash off the body and grout between tiles so thoroughly.  (To say nothing of the repugnant smell).  🤮

Sorry for the tangent.  There's just so much bias here I can hardly contain myself, and not in the usual fun way.  😋  I will say the pelvic floor therapist's advice not to "shove things" up your vajayjay to treat infections was sound--UTI cannot be treated at home and will progress to the kidneys if "home remedies" are used.  You must take the full course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor to ensure the infection is gone & doesn't develop resistance. 

However there's a lot you can do to prevent UTI's from ever taking hold in the first place, even if you're a chronic sufferer like I am/once was.  Check out my upcoming article about this topic for more because it's another "pee thing" I'm passionate about.  In any case, I don't claim to be a professional but it's clear to anyone with eyes that even the professionals are not immune to personal bias when it comes to "icky" things like pissing in the shower or other things involving bodily wastes.  See:  Every "peegasm" article ever written and posted to the WWW.


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