Thursday, December 7, 2023

All Night Piss Party, Night 1 (Bedroom Edition)

Holy fuck I just enjoyed the greatest intentional bedwetting of all time!  ๐ŸŸก ๐Ÿ’› ๐ŸŸก

Well, at least the first half was in bed.  It was more of an all-night Wet-A-Thon all over my bedroom.

None of this was pre-planned & I was alone as usual.  I started out wearing panties, pink pajama pants & lying on top of a towel + a blanket + wadded up bed cover to protect the mattress beneath my ass.  I'd been drinking plenty of Purified Drinking Water--nearly a half-gallon--and sat watching wetting vids in a somewhat reclined position with the towel pushed up between my legs as I rubbed my clit.  I let the warm wetness ooze out of me gradually, though it took a while to get started despite having a painfully full bladder.  I'd already let a couple droplets go while doing chores in the living room just to get that wet-on-dry fabric feeling that's so great, but it was really hard to relax & let go in bed for some reason...  

But once I heard that familiar hiss in the sheets I was fucking hypnotized.  Game on.

My ass & pussy were suddenly submerged in strong, smelly yellow gold as I emptied my bladder (the 1st round) into the towel & my pants.  I watched vids of women on Pornhub doing the same as I utterly soaked myself, whispering "yes mama" the whole time.  When I felt sufficiently able to stop, I surveyed the damage--ONLY the towel was sopping wet!  The blanket & bedcover were merely "warm" which was my cue to I move them down to the floor where I hovered over them as I fingered myself & continued playing with only my sopping undies & pants on.  

At this point, all that was coming out were hot piss/cum drops as I shoved my digits inside my lubed up pussy & rubbed my clit in time to the hiss & moans of the porno vids.  I watched women wet themselves in elevators, while doing dishes, running on trails, masturbating & doing other mundane things like trying on clothes in public fitting rooms, and before you know it, I too had to go again.  This time I was naked and lying on my bed with just the bedcover & blanket, hoping they would hold up to whatever storm I was about to unleash.  Honestly I didn't care as I just needed to cum, hard.  And boy did I:  I had one of those perineal "taint" orgasms you get just from touching the area between your vag & ass:  you know the ones where everything feels warm & spasms super hard for several minutes.  Good god.  Wetness running everywhere.  If I was still full of piss it'd be on the ceiling.  

Then after I typed this blog post & snapped a bunch of pics of me wetting the blanket naked on the floor (Round #3), I realized I had to piss AGAIN (Round #4), so I saved myself a trip to the bathroom & did it in the paper bowl I just ate cereal out of.  Yes, your girl is a pig. ๐Ÿท  Even after alllll that piss fun I filled it to the brim!  All this happened in my bedroom which is not my usual wetting spot so it felt extra naughty. 

In the end, my floor did end up getting soaked but it's wood so it's all good.  Better there than the bed.  It was the naughty nude pissing pics that did it but OMG were they so worth it!  Check out this one with piss running all down my ass and leg.  ๐Ÿซ 

I finally climaxed hard as the sun was coming up while watching a Youtube vid of a woman wetting her pajamas on the sidewalk.  While whacking it I spilled a half gallon of water all over my bed (ack, COLD!)  but this gave me the excuse to just go ahead & piss where I lay.  I snapped a couple more pix as I peed & played with only a red shirt under my ass.  (Gosh, those naked pee pics are addictive... the surprise of seeing how each one looks slightly different as hot piss flows out of my urethra & runs down my lips/ass like a waterfall.  Really gives ya motivation to relax & push it out like crazy).  

Needless to say I'll be sleeping in tomorrow between laundry loads. ๐Ÿ›Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ค

To buy this super racy set of 10 naked pissy pics (not counting the ones shown here), comment below or message me on X @Floodgaytes.  Use the code "PISSPARTY".

Here are some small, blurred pee-views of the paid pix, which are large, crystal clear & contain LOTS of graphic pissy detail + a very naked kitty: 

Rubbing myself to squirting climax in frog position

Waterfall p*ssy

Niagara Falls, Continued

๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿซ—๐Ÿšฝ

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