Sunday, February 16, 2025

Downstairs Neighbor's Room Reeks of Piss


..and not in a hot way.  In that rancid, fishy, stale, burn your eyes-and-nostrils way that urine does after it's sat around on a hot day and gone bad.  This person must urinate constantly on everything because you can smell it with her door closed coming down the hall.  She's not physically disabled (she's mobile and not bed-bound or even in a wheelchair, anyway) so there's really no excuse for the lack of basic hygiene.  No idea why she hasn't been evicted yet.  It's honestly a good reminder of the importance of keeping my space clean:  doing laundry promptly, mopping and drying floors, burning wax/candles/incense & not peeing on things that can't be put in the washer/dryer (mattress, couch, carpet, etc).  Walking into my apartment from outside, it smells like vanilla, spice and berries.  🍦 🫚 🫐

If you're tempted to just piss everywhere & not clean it up, please reconsider.  Just because you find the smell of urine sexy or inoffensive doesn't mean everyone else does.  Far from it.  Even most Omo lovers would agree it's among the most unattractive aspects of this fetish.  If you aren't sure whether your space smells of pee, ask a trusted friend or take an extended vacay and give it a big whiff when you walk back in the door.  Trust your first impression upon entering:  that's the most accurate one.  Unless you have a secondary "throwaway" car or house that you don't use or live in at all, just pissing "wherever" and not cleaning it up is lazy & irresponsible. 

If you can't handle the extra cleanup, don't make the mess!   


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