Sunday, January 12, 2025

Pros & Cons of Wearing Adult Diapers

So I see variations of this question a lot:  What are the benefits of wearing diapers as an adult?  Is it better to wet yourself or hold your bladder for a long time?  Unequivocally, the answer is that it's better for your health to GO when you need to go, which may mean wetting or using a diaper.  Why this isn't the obvious socially acceptable answer is beyond me.  Here are my reasons why wearing a diaper is beneficial:


1.)  Public bathrooms are horribly lacking in the U.S.  NYC has 4 public restrooms for every 100,000 people, and it's not much better elsewhere.  A trip downtown or afternoon of sightseeing with friends can turn into a bathroom scavenger hunt, and if you have overactive bladder or another urinary condition this can be a true nightmare. The result is that many otherwise able-bodied people simply isolate & stay home or dehydrate themselves/hold their urine while out to avoid having to find a restroom, all of which are unhealthy.   

2.)  It's illegal to expose yourself to urinate in public in all 50 states.  Some of these laws are harsh & place a person on the sex offender registry.  In fact, 13 states at the time of this writing have these "sex offender pee" laws on the books.  The S/O registry does not distinguish a "public urination offender" from a pedophilic rapist btw.  You're all on the same list.  Consider this before whipping it out or dropping trou to answer nature's call.

3.)  Holding your pee is BAD for your health.  In a best case scenario, it can increase your risk of incontinence with age--worst case is a burst bladder, kidney stone/infection, well, just see for yourself:

Some of the health risks of urinary retention ("holding").

4.)  Going to the toilet is disruptive and a waste of time.  Yeah, this might sound trivial on the surface but ask someone who gets up to pee multiple times per night & is a light sleeper how much it affects their quality of life.  Just think of all the times your bladder forced you to interrupt a deep conversation or break your focus on something important or enjoyable.  Now lay all your bathroom time end to end from the time of potty training to now.  It's likely DAYS of your life wasted on or standing in front of the toilet/urinal.  Now add up the time it took to travel to or FIND a bathroom and we're talking weeks of your life flushed literally down the crapper.   🚽🌀 

5.)  Public bathrooms can be dirty or even dangerous.  This goes double for women & kids, especially while traveling & using restrooms in unfamiliar areas.  You never REALLY know who or what is lurking in a public restroom, from hidden cameras to peep holes to all manner of icky germs.  

A few of the crimes that may occur in public bathrooms.

6.)  Adult diapers have come a long way in recent years.  While there used to be a very limited number of options in adult protection (Depends, Attends), now there is an endless variety ranging from adult diapers for the truly incontinent (Tranquility, Tena, Always) to blatant ABDL products (Rearz, Crinklz, Bambino).  They range in protection level from dribble pads & pee panties to full-on "mega max" tab diapers, with pull-up style underwear in the middle range.  You don't have to use them 24/7 & can reserve them for overnights, road trips, long flights, special occasions or some other purpose.  And the number of fun designs is endless.  

So comfy & convenient!  No mess!

7.)  If you have incontinence of any kind, wearing a diaper gives you peace of mind that your clothes, furniture & other belongings will be protected in the event of an accident.  While a diaper can certainly be concealed by clothing, large wetting accidents often can't.  In this way they can spare you the embarrassment & stress of having to deal with the possibility of leaking pee in your clothes.  (Even people without incontinence have at times wet themselves due to jobs or school situations that don't allow bathroom breaks).

8.)  Peeing in a diaper just feels GOOD.  It's warm, wet & the diaper holds that warm wetness in for a long time compared to regular bottoms.  Once you start using diapers you'll likely feel like pissing in the toilet is a waste, both of time and urine.  In my not-so-humble-opinion, this is the way we were meant to pee:  whenever, wherever & however the urge strikes us.  Without a 2nd thought.  It's how we breathe, eat, drink & even blow our nose.  Why must urination be such a big to-do?

9.)  Nobody has to know you're wearing a diaper or pull-up.  Think about how often you find yourself looking at a person's pants or skirt to "check" for a diaper--almost never, right?  Likewise, nobody's gonna be thinking about what's under your clothes unless you choose to disclose it.  


Perhaps the only downsides of diapers are the cost & the accessibility.  If you don't live on your own and have your own income source, you won't be able to buy them without help.  They can be kinda noisy when being changed in public bathrooms or other places where people might hear, but I suspect you get over that with time.  (In women's restrooms, babies and feminine hygiene products are routinely changed so nobody has to know you're changing YOUR diaper... or that it's even a diaper).  The bottom line is that these products are made for a reason & it shouldn't be shameful to use them for it provided you keep yourself clean/smelling good and don't involve unwitting people in your fetish.  (Assuming it is a fetish & not a necessity).

Also, it goes without saying but adult diapers are not socially accepted by the majority of people, which technically makes them "abnormal".  Wearing them when you're not fully incontinent is generally considered a kink/fetish and, while there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, you should be aware that you'll likely face social, personal or even professional consequences if caught.  This depends on how open-minded your circle is, of course, but it's something to be prepared for.

A little time spent playing dress-up in front of the mirror to see what clothes best conceal your diapers, what brand and size fit you best & how much golden nectar your chosen design can hold will solve a lot of these problems.   💛

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