Friday, March 7, 2025

To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themselves on purpose for sexual pleasure?  Does the sight of someone going pee-pee in their pants make you all hot and bothered in your no-no place, but you're too scared to let go and actually try it yourself?  Too ashamed or afraid of getting caught?  Or maybe you HAVE tried and simply can't get the tap to turn on so to speak...  

If so, I encourage you to take some time using the search bar on this site because there are endless articles I think could help.  Such as this or this.  

Maybe you're wondering what Mommy or Daddy would think if they knew your dirty little secret, eh?  Or if they caught you in the act?  Would they spank your ass, throw you out of their house?  Call you sick or  send you to a shrink?   Your social life would be DOA if your friends found out.  You'd be the laughing stock of your school/workplace/neighborhood.  Only babies wet their pants.

Actually, the opposite is true.  If an adult WANTS to wet themselves, that's all it takes to make it a legitimate endeavor.  It's far more 'babyish' to follow the crowd or look to Mommy and Daddy for guidance on every tiny thing in life.  There's a time to worry about the opinions of others--to dwell on what your youth group leader, pastor, priest, 5th grade P.E. coach & your loved ones think of your shortcomings in life, and that time is not in the quiet dark hours when you're alone with your d!CK in your hand. 

I've got news for you about those heroes of yours:  they're sexual beings too, and they do things that would make your stomach turn when the lights are out and nobody's around.  It's none of their business what you do to get off so toughen tf up and do what makes YOU happy.  There's nothing wrong with peeing yourself for sexual pleasure as long as you aren't involving others against their will, which you're not if you do it in private and clean up after yourself.

Next time you have the house to yourself (or right now if you live alone), I want you to put on some piss-themed porn and let go all over yourself.  Or maybe head over to Literotica or Wattpad and read some pee-themed stories if you prefer the sensual written word to graphic X-rated porn videos.  Then wet yourself.  You can do it on the toilet, standing in the bathtub or in your backyard--doesn't matter where.  The best way to overcome your doubts is to face them head-on.  Got it?  Don't make any excuses, just pee.  Like all these proud pantswetters:

There's plenty more where they came from.  Men and women all over the world get off on wetting their pants, so if it turns you on, so should you.  The only "babies" here are the grown ass adults who shove down their natural sexual desires for fear of upsetting the status quo.  People will judge you no matter what you do in this life, so might as well do something really "out there" to freak them out. πŸ€ͺ  Just make sure to be discreet and clean up after yourself, you little piss-pot.  🍯  The dirtier & more ashamed you feel afterward, the more you know you're on the right track.

(I shouldn't have to explain this, but we ARE living in the uber-sensitive Gen Z era so if you couldn't tell, the tone of this article was all in jest.  By playing the taunting dominatrix, I hope to push you outside your comfort zone, which is where ALL the fun stuff happens.  I'm NOT kidding about that part).

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Places To Wet Your Pants At Home

Newbies and people without transportation often opt for wettings at home, as do those who just prefer privacy or the safety/comfort of home pees.  Nothing wrong with that!  Wetting yourself indoors can be naughty and adventurous or low-key & stealthy depending on your objective.  But first you've gotta figure out where it's safe to piss on your property that won't destroy anything or leave a mess that'll get you busted by roommates or visitors.  If you need some ideas to get you started, check out these suggestions for places to pee in each room/part of the house: 

Piss in a measuring cup or other washable/disposable cup in your kitchen

KITCHEN - In disposable paper bowl (20 oz is good).  In a large plastic cup or measuring cup.  Various empty jars with large openings.  This article on VanLife Pee Jars might give you some ideas.  When you see an optimal-sized container, consider saving it for later use.

BEDROOM - In a small bedroom trashcan or other type of aluminum/metal container.  Into a blanket or quilt.  In a washable "piss pillow".  In bed on top of an incontinence mat.  The bedroom can be a stealthy place to wet if you have your own room, as you can wait for everyone to go to bed and sneakily pee in bed while pretending to sleep.  Just make sure to protect your mattress. 

Wood floors are much easier to clean than carpet.  Just grab a mop!

LIVING ROOM - On an incontinence mat on the floor.  In a wood chair onto the hard wood or linoleum  floor.  On a small washable area rug.  On doggie pee pads.  If your living room is carpeted, you might consider avoiding this room as cleanup will be too difficult.

GARAGE - In the kitty litter box.  In bed of truck or  directly on concrete.  Into empty buckets, tubs or other storage containers (dump out afterward).  On a pile of dirty laundry that's going into the wash.

Anywhere you have an incontinence mat or furniture covering is a good pee place!

BALCONY/PATIO/DECK//PORCH - In a lawn chair, directly on the concrete.  Into an empty pot/planter.  On an unused stool or chair.  In a watering can.  Right on the stairs if you're sitting/wearing the right clothes.

Pee on a hard plastic foot stool, lawn chair or other outdoor seating

BATHROOM - Into a bath towel.  (You can also roll/fold a wash cloth up and shove it in your underwear to soak up more urine, or use a Maxi pad for the same purpose).  In the bathroom sink or tub while empty.  Over the toilet.  On closed toilet lid, either on a towel or directly on lid. 

The bathroom is a great place to experiment if you have roommates as the door usually locks and if not, people generally know not to enter when the light's on/the door's closed.  There's also little to no cleanup if you wet in the tub or in the sink or toilet.

Piss right on the toilet lid, or sit on a towel to sop up your mess.

BONUS - GAZEBO/STORAGE SHED:  While gardening or doing other yardwork, let 'er rip inside the gazebo or other little structure in your yard.  This may include a barn, she-shed, pergola, pool house, pavilion or similar.  These small buildings offer a bit of extra cover if you're "caught out".

Successes & Failures

The goal with indoor pissing is to do it in a location where the urine is either easy to dispose of (down a drain like the toilet, sink or tub) or easy to clean up, such as on a hard wood or concrete floor.  AVOID peeing directly on an unprotected mattress, carpet, large rugs, car seats, couch/chair cushions, in air vents or on anywhere else that can't fit in the washer/dryer or is made of cloth.  This, of course, is if you need to remain stealthy or just care about how your house smells.  Human urine is a very distinctive and (to most) unpleasant odor and it's very hard to clean up, so that's what your main focus should be with peeing indoors.  

I've peed into a Dixie paper bowl, a large plastic McDonald's cup in a parked car, a large tin container that once contained Christmas popcorn; a blanket; a towel, into a washcloth in my panties, in the bathroom sink/toilet/bathtub/closed toilet lid with and without a towel, and most recently, an empty candle jar.  And probably more places I'm forgetting.  Some that were a bad idea included sitting on cardboard (leaks right through!) and on my bed before I had an incontinence mat or diapers to protect the mattress.  While towels or a blanket can work in a pinch, they can also fail & soak through or simply not cover enough area to prevent problematic spills.

See this article for more detailed info on cleaning up and removing pee stains from your home.

Where are your favorite at-home wetting locations?  Ever get caught wetting at home?

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Seasons of Wetness: Spring

Like Autumn, Springtime is one of the milder seasons--perfect for doing the outdoor activities you couldn't do in the Winter due to the cold.  While it's still too cold to swim or enjoy other water-based activities, there are plenty of other unique ways to work "water" into your repertoire this season (wink-wink).  

If you enjoy plants or gardening, now is the time to plant those seeds!  While working in the garden, let some generous spurts go on yourself to liven things up.  Since urine is rich in nitrogen, you can even use your golden nectar as fertilizer (just remember to dilute it properly).  Learn more about using your own pipi as ferts here at the Rich Earth Institute's website, and buy yourself a nifty little watering can that doubles as a potty here

Springtime is the rainy season, so make the most of those monsoons and use them as cover for a nice pants-soaking.  You can keep an eye on the weather by downloading a weather app & see when storms are predicted in your area, planning little outdoor Omo outings ahead of time.  Throw on a long raincoat to help further conceal your naughty fun.  There's no better feeling than releasing hot pee into your pants as cool rain patters down on your skin.   Who knows?  If you get lucky you might even see a rainbow or two.  🌧 ☔ 🌈

Give your garden some natural fertilizer!

Depending on where you live, you may be able to go morel hunting or berry-picking this season, and both of these activities are absolutely ideal for a pants-soaking adventure.  You're far out in the countryside with no bathrooms and usually by yourself or with only a few other people around, if any.  (Side note:  Never eat mushrooms or berries you find in the wild unless you're experienced in identification).  If you're not fond of these delicacies, you can just "pretend" to hunt for them during the season everyone else is actually doing it.  Then, woopsie: caught out & had an accident.  Or you can make the most of the Springtime winds & fly a kite or go sailing as you leak in your pants or diaper.  Fishing on an overcast Spring day offers the same opportunity whether you stand on the bank or sit in a boat.  πŸ„ 🫐 🎣

Spring cleaning is nobody's favorite chore, but you can help it go by faster with some covert wetting games.  Around here we're all for making boring tasks go by faster with a little golden motivation.  Whether you're cleaning the attic or scraping out the gutters, doing it with a full bladder is the right move.  Drink water or a caffeinated beverage as you work & reward yourself when you complete a task by letting a few spurts go in your pants.   πŸͺ£πŸ§ΌπŸ§½

St. Paddy's Day & Easter are the two main holidays that fall in the Springtime along with Mother's Day, though that last one won't be too ideal for wetting unless you're celebrating a VERY open-minded and awesome Mom who's into the pastime.  But the other two can both lend themselves to wetting if you plan them just right.  Nothing like pissing yourself after a little too much green beer during a pub crawl or free St. Paddy's day concert downtown ("What?  I pissed myself?  Me, as in the dude standing here talking to you right now?  No waaaay, bro!  This is water, maaan!")  or letting a little dribble down your shorts while dying eggs or hiding them in the yard for the annual Easter egg hunt (or have a special "adult" egg hunt with your own naughty rules).  If you're not a drinker, you can always wait until your friends are sloshed & pretend you're drunk.  πŸ€πŸ‡ 🍻

Unknown male soccer player takes sneaky leak on the field

Finally, there are some nifty outdoor team sports played in the Spring, including soccer, baseball, softball & track/field--all of which have been known to catch the occasional athlete in wet and compromising positions on the field.  Many female runners leak when they run, and a lot of male soccer players just don't GAF and piss or wet themselves openly on the field!   ⚽ ⚾ πŸƒπŸ»‍♀

Popular Spring Clothes to Wet:  High-waist & wide-leg trousers, long jean-shorts, cycling shorts, madras, Bermuda shorts, golf skorts, rompers, overalls, jumpsuits, rain pants & Gypsy skirts.

Maybe don't get THIS drunk  πŸ€

Friday, February 28, 2025

Women's Piss History Article by ChickFly

For Women's History Month 2023, decided to go all out & post artwork depicting women pissing along with little informative asides about the time periods they're from.  Some of these works date back to 480 B.C!  How's that for "historical"?  Here's an excerpt from one piece:

"The image below shows an accurate representation of a vulva with hips tilted forward and a strong pee stream. The woman's knees are spread wide apart and she is unrestricted by her garments. She is watching her stream, indicating control and intention - she is not likely to mistakenly pee on her robes."

Or this:

 "Imagine a time when women lived in homes that did not have bathrooms. Instead, they would go pee in their bedroom or private chamber or often just the main room of a one-room dwelling."

Sound titillating?  It is.  Check out the whole series here

They even have free "How to Pee" manuals ladies can sign up for to learn how to pee outside, without TP & in various other interesting ways.  ChickFly is the maker of women's pants that open in the crotch so you can pee easily outdoors.  Like so:

Chickfly:  Pants You Can Pee In

Even with the little doggie (kitty?) door, I'd be tempted to just pee through them.  Then again, I'm a pee perv so there's that.  

Canadian Playwright Talks To Her Bladder in a Fitting Room

Canadian author/playwright Helen C. Escott minces no words about her struggle to keep her pants dry in this cheeky blog post, specfically in the ladies' fitting room while trying on clothes.  She makes the salient point that, if store owners are tired of dressing rooms being pissed in, perhaps they should contain toilets INSIDE the dressing room area along with mirrors and such.  This article is actually suprisingly erotic, with quotes like:

(Horrified). Do not dribble! You squeeze tightly! Do not let one drop fall! (I squeeze my butt cheeks so tight; I could crush a walnut).

But you undid your pants! That means we must pee.

I have to try these pants on. Be good. I haven’t even had a sip of liquid today. There should be nothing in my bladder. You should be empty. I am completely dehydrated.

What can I say, I’m part camel. I store fluids just for times like this. By the way, I don’t think the pants fit. You’re squeezing me too tight. That’s not a good idea. You know we have to pee.

Uh-oh, why did I try on skinny jeans. (I finally pull them off along with my socks.) Hang on for just a few more minutes. I want to try on the other pair.

That’s not a good idea. I don’t think I’m gonna make it.

Just give me five more minutes and I’ll run to the bathroom.

Can we just pee on the floor? If we were out hiking, you’d just run behind a tree and pee on the floor of the forest.

You'll have to read the article to see if she makes it, but this is an all-too-familiar struggle for too many women of all ages.  The myth that it only happens to women who've given birth and are in their (forgive the pun) GOLDEN years is all wrong.  Incontinence, from mild overactive bladder to total loss of bladder control, strikes women and girls of all ages & reproductive stages, from childless fit athletes in their teens to post-menopausal women with several kids born through the birth canal, which is harder on the pelvic floor than C-Section (though those ladies also aren't exempt).  And of course men can also be affected due to things like enlarged prostate, neurological conditions such as MS or Parkinson's and a lifetime of holding their urine too long, though this tends to be less common.

I wanna give a shout out to this high-profile dignified dame for bringing attention to this issue in a way that's both humorous & relatable.  Wee salute you.  πŸ’›

Monday, February 24, 2025

Q&A: How Can I Treat UTI Without Antibiotics?

Warning:  This is a bit like the "how can I treat cancer without chemo and radiation" questions.  You "can" try natural and OTC remedies for an infection of the bladder or kidneys, but any nurse or doctor worth their weight in yellow gold will tell you like I'm telling you:  it won't work.  And leaving a UTI untreated puts you at risk for serious organ damage, sepsis and death. 

Just like any other type of infection in the body, UTI is nothing to play around with.  It requires swift and thorough treatment to knock it out and you need to get to the root of WHY it's happening if it's a recurring problem.  And that treatment is antibiotics, and not just "any" antibiotic but the appropriate type to match the strain of bacteria causing your infection--something only a doctor can determine after gathering a urine sample to diagnose what type of infection you have.  If you suspect you have a UTI, please get to the doctor ASAP to get an appropriate diagnosis, rule out other things and get started on an effective treatment.

Now, as for prevention, there's a lot you can do in that regard even if you suffer chronic or hard-to-treat UTI's like me.  Nobody wants to take antibiotics constantly as we've all heard the potential downsides so prevention should be the long-term goal.  Just keep in mind that it's a daily thing & not something to resort to when you start feeling UTI symptoms cropping up.  By then it's already too late.  Unfortunately for women (who suffer far more often from this problem), we can't do much about the proximity of the anus to the urethra, but we can do a lot to keep things clean, dry & soothed down there.  But how does this prevent a bacterial infection?  Allow me to explain. 

I break UTI prevention into two parts:  downstairs (urethral opening leading up to the bladder) & upstairs (mouth leading down to the kidneys).  Let's start with the downstairs, shall we? 

Note:  this is for UTI sufferers for whom the typical preventative tips haven't worked.  If Cystex and cranberry juice work for you, great.  But some of us have tried all the usual things and need to take things to the next level before we start breeding the next strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria in our bodies.  UTI is so rare in men you should suspect an STD if you're male & experience symptoms like burning urination, lower flank pain, urgency or other "typical" UTI symptoms.  Either way, do not hesitate to seek diagnosis & treatment as UTI can be dangerous or fatal if left untreated.

(Text in RED = Stop/Avoid It;   GREEN = Go/Try It)


My pee hole burns just looking at this pic.  😬

In the downstairs, preventing irritation and inflammation is key.  While these things don't CAUSE UTI, they allow bacteria to grip onto the urinary tract and can overwhelm the immune cells that would normally attack the nasty little buggers, allowing them to gain a foothold deeper in the body.  Bubble bath gets a bad rap but truly, ANY perfumed or scented product from body wash to bath bombs to shampoo or regular bar soap can irritate the hell right out of your pee hole if given the chance.  If you're a big fan of Bath & Body Works or other strongly scented products, listen up because I'm talking to you

The vagina is a self-cleaning oven that needs ONLY water to clean itself and as much free-flowing air as possible the rest of the time.  (I like to run around pantsless as many evenings as possible to let things "breathe").  While some UTI sufferers are only bothered by sitting in sudsy tubs for 45 minute runs or longer, others will need to experiment with changing up their entire bathing routine.  For some super-duper-sensitive ladies, bathing in general is problematic because they're, for lack of a better term, marinating their private parts in a soup of scented perfumes from their shampoo, conditioner, body wash and soaps even if they aren't applying them directly TO their vagina/vulva. 

In that case, showering would be a safer option.  Avoid all douches & other feminine "cleansing" products or freshening sprays--remember, only water!  (And in no universe should you shove garlic, yogurt or other food items up your birth canal to "treat" UTI.  That's just introducing more "ingredients' with the potential to contaminate the environment with pathogens and upset the delicate pH balance).  When it comes to vaginal health, less is definitely more.

And the irritants don't stop when the bath water goes down the drain:  dark colored panties with a non-cotton crotch, wet/sweaty clothes worn for too long, pads or tampons left unchanged too long, sex toys, scented toilet paper/menstrual products, unclean hands, spermicide, diaphragms, non-lubricated condoms, scented powders...all these things can cause irritation, microscopic cuts or obstruct airflow to the area & promote the growth of bacteria.  And I know it's cliche but avoid holding your urine and go as often as you feel the need, taking the time to fully relax your pelvic muscles and completely empty your bladder before wiping.  And ALWAYS wipe front to backIf you're experiencing diarrhea, immaculate toilet hygiene becomes even more important as bacteria can spread even more easily.  (And it's those pesky bacteria that actually cause the infections).  Consider using wet wipes/baby wipes for diarrheal illnesses, just don't flush them down the toilet as they clog septic tanks.

Oh, and make sure to pee immediately after masturbation or sex to help flush out the urethra, as bacteria can sometimes get pushed into that area by sexual activity.  And it should go without saying but avoid putting things in the vagina after they've been in the anus, as this spreads the offending bacteria directly where it shouldn't be.  


From a study on D-Mannose for UTI

What you put into your body via the mouth is just as important as what you do down below when it comes to UTI prevention.  D-Mannose as a first-round of defense is affordable, generally safe & can really be a lifesaver for recurrent UTI's because bacteria don't seem to develop a resistance to it like they do with antibiotics.  D-Mannose is a sugar that occurs naturally in cranberries and flushes out the urinary tract, helping to scrape bacteria from the bladder wall and out of the body when taken with generous amounts of water.  Avoid brands with added cranberry or Vitamin C as these are unnecessarily acidic and can irritate the bladder as you're about to see.  1,500 mg per day of plain D-mannose (or as directed by your doctor) is generally the recommended dose.  I've had luck using it only after "risky" things like masturbation or wearing a wet swimsuit a bit too long, though you'll need to experiment to see what works for you.

For some chronic UTI sufferers, foods and beverages containing citrus, hot/spicy flavor, bitterness or carbonation can irritate the bladder and urethra from the inside and should be limited or avoided.  People with interstitial cystitis know this all too well, but those with chronic UTI may also suffer from a less severe form of bladder irritation from these items, and that irritation can predispose to infection.  Examples include citrus fruits, hot peppers, tomato juice, dark chocolate or coffee, soda and salad dressing.  You can keep a food journal & eliminate things one by one to check for any patterns, or you can just make a concerted effort to cut down on the ones you like the least and add an acid-neutralizing supplement like Prelief when you ingest the others. It's available over-the-counter with no prescription.

Prelief acid reducer

Staying hydrated even when a bathroom isn't nearby or accessible is a challenge sometimes but is even more important for people with recurring UTI than the general population.  Read that again.  Water is needed to dilute and wash bacteria out of the urinary tract regularly--without it, toxic bacteria become too concentrated in the urethra, bladder and kidneys, allowing them to multiply & cause infection.  Plain water is best--avoid diuretics like caffeine, alcohol or soda as much as possible as all 3 of these tend to cause bladder irritation & slight dehydration.  Healthy adults should aim for 1.5 liters of water daily to prevent UTI.  Electrolyte drinks like Pedialyte and Gatorade are okay occasionally, particularly if it's hot outside & you're especially active, but for the most part opt for Spring, Purified or Drinking water.  (Choose distilled water only as a last option as it lacks the vital minerals needed to prevent fractures, heart disease & other serious conditions and it may not hydrate as well as the others).

Note:  If you're experiencing fever, nausea, bloody urine, confusion or cannot control your bladder, seek emergency medical attention.  These can be signs of a complicated UTI that requires immediate medical attention.  Left untreated too long, oral antibiotics may not be sufficient and IV treatment may be needed.  Kidney infection is considered a medical emergency so don't delay diagnosis and treatment if you suspect one.  In people 65 or older and those who are hospitalized, confusion/delirium may be the only symptom of a UTI.  

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To All Newbies On the Fence About Wetting:

Welcome to my website, you dirty little pervs.  Are you a total newbie to this "pants wetting" underworld where adults wet themsel...